5 New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Money

It is that time of year again. Time for New Year’s resolutions. One reason that so many people’s resolutions fail is that they take on too many or expect too much at the beginning. It is important to set your goals, and then break each goal into manageable steps to accomplish on the way. Here are five goals you may consider if you want to change your finances. You may want to focus on just one or two now, and then once you accomplish those set new ones. It is also important to reward yourself along the way. 1) One … Continue reading

How Will You Use Your Christmas Bonus?

It is the time of year when many people receive a Christmas bonus. This is a great perk that comes with many jobs. Unfortunately fewer and fewer companies are giving a Christmas bonus, and you may end up with a ham or a card. If you are one of the fortunate few, how are you going to use that bonus? You may be tempted to go and spend the entire amount on Christmas presents. In fact for many, this is the only way that they can afford to have a Christmas. It is important to not become reliant on a … Continue reading