Battling with Discouragement?

It’s easy to fall into the pit of discouragement. I’d suggest discouragement is one of Satan’s greatest tools. It’s one I’ve been battling lately. Half the problem stems from a cold or flu bug that doesn’t want to leave and half from trying to get work done and not getting far with it, due to other problems. Sadly, discouragement affects too many people in our churches. It can be easy to feel that what you are doing is not appreciated or even noticed by anyone. It can be easy to wonder why you even bother. Your pastor is not immune … Continue reading

What to Do When Satan Interferes

Satan loves to interfere in God’s work, to distract, disrupt, discourage, cause arguments and do all he can from stopping God’s work going ahead. When our daughter, with a team of young people was involved in a mission, Satan tired to interfere. On the day she was to give her testimony, she was so sick. But people prayed and God overruled. She gave her testimony and God’s work went ahead, despite the opposition. Satan hasn’t changed his tactic. Back in Nehemiah’s time, Satan tried to disrupt God’s work and stop it from happening. Nehemiah 6:1-9 Nehemiah’s enemies conspire to harm … Continue reading

When You Feel Like Giving Up

You’ve considered and prayed about a situation or area of ministry. You’ve worked hard to do the best job you can. And still things go wrong. The situation goes from bad to worse. You wonder- why? Where is God in all this? Why isn’t God answering my prayers? What have I done wrong? Around that time thoughts of giving up usually creep in because it all seems too hard. But whatever the situation or ministry you are involved in, before you give up and decide it’s all too hard, read this story of the Samburu people in Kenya. Everyone, it … Continue reading

Misconceptions – Part 2

Misconceptions can affect us in the Christian life. Misconceptions can even cause us to give up on our faith. As a child I made a commitment to Christ. Sadly, either no-one explained to me at the time that I once I became a Christian I would not instantly become perfect and sinless. Or if they did, I never heard it. The result was that even through I read my bible, went to church, prayed and tried to live a Christian life, in my eyes I failed because I still sinned. This led me to conclude that it obviously hadn’t worked. … Continue reading

Overwhelmed and Inadequate?

It is so common to deal with feelings of inadequacy. There are times when you may simply be overwhelmed with the responsibilities that are resting on your shoulders as a member of the church, a parent or just a person. It is important to realize that we are not expected to be perfect. We should be striving to improve ourselves, but we are not expected to be perfect. Some days you may have those aha moments when every thing clicks together and your understanding increases dramatically. But generally you will progress an inch or two at a time. Sometimes we … Continue reading

Don’t Get Discouraged When Rebuilding Your Life

Life after a separation, divorce, death or other crisis that has brought you to single parenthood can be a real roller coaster. Even for those of us who CHOOSE to become single parents, the realities of life as a solo mom or dad may be quite different from what we expected. The important thing is to have patience with yourself and with the adjustment process; keep putting one foot in front of the other, and try not to get discouraged. Rebuilding a life can be tough! No one said it was going to be easy, sure, but many of us … Continue reading

Have You Asked God?

Are you going through something in your life right now that makes you feel as though God doesn’t care about you? There have been times when I have been dealing with someone going through a personal crisis who has said something like, “God doesn’t care about me.” or, “Doesn’t God see what I’m going through?” The meaning is clear: God isn’t doing what the person thinks He should be doing. There are two reasons why a person might feel this way: 1. The person has not asked God for help. In Exodus 22:16-31, God discusses personal offenses that are committed … Continue reading