Value Your Time – Part 2

This is the second part of my series on dealing with time issues in your home-based business. In my last blog, I discussed tackling time-wasters and distractions. In today’s blog, I am going to address the importance of valuing your time. What I mean by this is placing greater importance on how you spend your time instead of trying to be superwoman or superman. I’ll be honest. I am not impressed when someone rattles off how busy they are. My eyes start to glaze over when someone goes on and on about how they never have time for fun, enjoyable … Continue reading

Getting Distractions Out of Your Shots

Don’t you hate it when you think you’ve taken the best shot ever only to find that there’s a random person in the background or that there’s a plant growing out of someone’s head? It happens, but there are some simple things you can do to get the “stuff” out of your photos. The first is to be aware of the background while taking the photo. Can you wait a couple of seconds for the tourist in the background to move? Sometimes this is easier said than done, granted, but often a little patience goes a long way. Other times, … Continue reading

What do We Let Take Us Away from our Families?

I tend to get resentful when I have to attend to things I do not want to. When it comes to my family–my kids are such a priority for me and while I do try to keep my life balanced with outside interests, I also am constantly weighing whether or not I am letting “inferior” things take me away from my family? Of course, I have to work and as a single parent, that is not an option for me–I absolutely have to work and generate income to support my family. The sort of work I do and how much … Continue reading

Giving In to Distractions

I know that I normally try to write about ways to stay focused and fight off all the distractions that can pop up when one is trying to work from home. It hit me, however, that we are just people and there are those times when no matter how hard I try, the world just seems to be conspiring against my actually getting any work done. Sometimes, the best thing for me to do is to stop fighting and give in to those distractions… I tend to cling to an idealized vision of what working at home COULD be like–quiet, … Continue reading

Be on the Look Out for Distractions

When I think of distractions in the world of the single parent, I think of things that we do or choices we make (or our children make) to keep from focusing on what we really need to focus on. Similar to denial, as humans we have a great ability to create distractions for ourselves whenever we are faced with something unknown, unpleasant, or just plain hard. As single parents, and for single parent families, we may have gone through such tough times or be in the midst of a crisis and in an attempt to find relief, we get caught … Continue reading

Too Distracted to Go to the Temple

I haven’t been to the temple for several months. I’ve been meaning to go, but you know how life is – I’ve been busy with the house, with the kids, with meals, and errands. I’ve been blogging, writing, doing my calling as Wolf leader, supporting my husband as he carries out his calling and goes to work every day—or I should say, every night (he works nights.) And we moved last fall, and I’m still trying to find places to put everything. I homeschool, and I . . . yada, yada, yada. The point is, I’m busy. It’s a shame, … Continue reading

Reasons I am Glad I Homeschool: Distractions

What happens when you bring two homeschoolers together? They socialize! Today I painted a mural at the house of another homeschooler. I brought my daughter with me. While my daughter is in “summer mode”, the child whose house we were at was still homeschooling in full swing. We should have known better. My daughter had no intention of reading the books I had her bring along. The other child had no intention of doing her work, as my child’s presence was a huge distraction. She eventually got through her lessons; and then the girls had a swimmingly good day. (Yes, … Continue reading

Moving with Baby

When it comes to moving your family from one house to another – it is difficult enough to manage, but when you are moving with a baby – it takes on a whole new twist. There’s no one hundred percent full proof way to make the move easy, so it’s important to keep the following tips in mind. Remember, babies enjoy their routine – a move disrupts their routine in a rude and abrupt fashion because there is very little way to ‘prepare’ baby for changing their environment and spending a day or three in upheaval. Babies Under Six Months … Continue reading

Different Environments for Studying

What is the best place to study for a test? The library, the bedroom, the kitchen, outside? Each individual has their own preference and discovering which environment works the best can take time and patience. Many students feel when they study that complete silence does not help them remember the information to pass a test. Some people believe the opposite that complete silence is the only way to study; so what is the correct way? This all depends on the individual student. There are students who cannot concentrate if there are even certain objects in the room like a television … Continue reading