A Big Difference for Adopting Parents: the Adoption Tax Credit Renewed and Expanded

Whatever you think of the new health care legislation, adoptive parents will realize one benefit: the Adoption Tax Credit, which was set to expire this year, will be renewed through December 21, 2011. The maximum reimbursable limit for adoption-related expenses was raised from $12, 150 to $13, 170. In addition, the Adoption Tax Credit will benefit families who have no taxes or a very small amount of taxes due, because it is now refundable. The credit lessens for adopters with income of over$ 180,000 per year, and continues to lessen as incomes go up until it is eventually phased out. … Continue reading

Sheryl Crow Welcomes her Second Baby through Adoption

Sheryl Crow announced this morning that she is adopting a second child, Levi James, who was born April 30. Crow made the announcement via her website, and her publicist confirmed the information. Crow, age 48, adopted her son Wyatt three years ago, when he was two weeks old. (Click here to see Michelle’s blog on Sheryl’s first adoption.) The sibling connection seems to be important to Crow—she made her announcement by writing, “Wyatt has a baby brother!” Crow reportedly is not deterred by the idea of being a single mother. “For my whole life, I had a pretty clear picture … Continue reading

What is Adoption Loss?

We all know of miscarriage, or pregnancy loss. “Adoption loss” is the bereavement felt when an expected adoption does not occur. Although less than one-tenth of a percent of finalized adoptions are contested each year, parents are often heavily invested emotionally before finalization or before placement. Often they have been meeting with birthparents for several months. They may have seen the baby via ultrasound, chosen a name for the baby, shared the news with their families, prepared the baby’s room, and bought clothing specific to the gender of the expected child. Some birth parents even invite the adoptive parents to … Continue reading

Adoption Insurance

In many cases families choose to adopt newborns placed by their mother at the time of birth or shortly after. In most cases, a mother has a period of time where she is legally able to change her mind. Private domestic infant Adoption includes a process where finances are invested for a desired outcome. Hopeful adoptive parents often fear a change of heart, and sometimes suffer great financial loss. In some adoption situations there are ways that potential adoptive parents can protect their finances during the adoption process. In some states Adoption insurance may be available to protect adoptive parents … Continue reading

Types of Adoption Part One: Domestic Infant Adoption

There are three main types of adoption: domestic U.S. infant adoption, adoption from foster care/state welfare agencies, and international adoption. Domestic infant adoptions, in many states, may occur in one of two ways: through an adoption agency, or privately arranged by a lawyer. One element these adoptions usually share is that the birthparent(s) have some say in who will parent their child. Many also include some degree of “openness”—that is, birth and adoptive parents have some information about each other, identifying or not, and usually plan for some form of ongoing contact, whether directly or through letters relayed by an … Continue reading