Enviromental Hazards

I grew up most of my life in a town in Rhode Island called Woonsocket. I had a great childhood, at least as much as I remember; there were a lot of old manufacturing plants in town. I never really gave much thought to the old buildings, the history or what was in the environment. If it did not involve cute guys than I really did not think about it. I mean I am just being honest, the life of a teenage girl is about boys, boys and more boys, the occasional party but that brought the boys, the point … Continue reading

EPA Bans Endosulfan

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has banned the use of endosulfan after years of encouragement from agencies such as the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and EarthJustice. According to the NRDC web page, endosulfan was developed in the early 1950s as an insecticide used mainly used on cotton, cantaloupe, tomato, potato, and apple crops. Since then, research has found that it disrupts hormones and is toxic to the nervous system. Research shows that endosulfan can cause headaches, seizures, vomiting, and in unborn infants, it can cause male reproductive harm, birth defects, and possibly autism. Because children are still developing and … Continue reading