General Conference: “Ye Must Be Born Again”

In his talk “Ye Must Be Born Again” Elder David A Bednar begins his talk by explaining the process of canning a pickle. The first step is to clean the cucumber. The second step is to immerse the cucumber in brine, so that it can transform into a pickle. The third step is to seal the jars so that you can use them at a different time. Elder Bednar then goes on to explain that in order for us to become spiritually transformed, we need to complete a similar process. He says: “We are instructed to ‘come unto Christ, and … Continue reading

General Conference: “And Nothing Shall Offend”

In his talk “And Nothing Shall Offend” Elder David A Bednar speaks about the dangers of becoming easily offended. He opens the talk by sharing how he would visit less active members to find out why they were no longer attending. Although their answers were all different, many involved being offended by something. Elder Bednar then said: “And then I would say something like this. ‘Let me make sure I understand what has happened to you. Because someone at church offended you, you have not been blessed by the ordinance of the sacrament. You have withdrawn yourself from the constant … Continue reading