Gift Ideas For Frequent Travelers

Forget about the goofy tie and the poinsettia set in a terra cotta pot. If you have frequent travelers on your holiday gift list you need to be thinking about function at 35,000 feet, or at least behind the wheel of a car. This blog was actually inspired by an item I saw on sale at Target this week—-a road emergency kit. This one retails for just $25 and includes the basics. However, if you have the time and inclination you could get even more creative and tailor the contents specifically for your special traveler. Simply get a sturdy duffel … Continue reading

Auto Emergency Kits

Some of the most tragic stories of vacations gone wrong are often those where a person or family experiences a situation where they are lost or stranded in their automobiles. While the risk of life and death situations are far more common with winter driving trips, no matter the season families can suffer great peril when traveling by car. The truth is that most of the tragic stories we hear on the evening news may have been avoided had families considered and prepared for the worst possible situations they might face along their journeys. When we jump in the car … Continue reading

5 Ways For Your Child to Help Prepare an Emergency Kit

If you have not already prepared an emergency kit for your children, you may want to enlist their help as you do so. This will help your children be comfortable with what is inside their kits. It will also give them something familiar to help them a scary situation. In a small child’s kit you may not put as much food (you would put in yours instead), but rather comfort items and activities. In an older child’s kit you would make it nearly as complete as your own. Here are five steps to having your child help you prepare the … Continue reading

Emergency Kits Make Great Christmas Presents

A great Christmas present for all of your unprepared family and friends would be an emergency kit. The Red Cross has begun recommending a five day kit, instead of the standard 72-hour kit. However, you can decide the length of the kit. You can purchase an emergency kit for your friends or family or you can assemble one of your own. In reality your gift will have to be completed once they have received it, since it may be difficult to buy and include extra clothing and prescriptions for each individual. You may want to start off by making a … Continue reading

How Portable Is Your Emergency Kit?

In an emergency situation you may be forced to rough it. You may be evacuated from your home, and the emergency shelters may be full. You may have to hike out of an area because the roads are impassable due to earthquakes or other disasters. Your emergency kits should be prepared to handle these situations. Here are five things to consider when stocking your emergency kit for these types of emergencies. 1) You will want to be able to provide some sort of shelter for your family. You may pack several tarps and rope and rig up a temporary tent … Continue reading

Five Ways to Prepare Your Emergency Kits for Cold Weather

It is the time of year to transition your emergency kits from summer to winter kits. This is important since there are different survival requirements for cold weather. It is also a great opportunity to rotate out your supplies and make sure that you keep your food fresh and ready to eat. 1) You should switch out your clothes from summer clothes to winter clothes. Be sure to include several pairs of heavy socks, a heavy sweatshirt, warm pants and a coat. It is easier to stay warm if you dress in several layers of clothing, so you may want … Continue reading

Personal Supplies in Emergency Kits

One area that has not been covered in preparing your emergency kits is personal supplies. These items can help you to be more comfortable in a shelter or during an emergency. They can also help promote better hygiene and sanitation practices. You will want to pack personal hygiene supplies for yourself and your family. These items will include toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and pony tail holders. You will also want to include soap, shampoo, and deodorant. You may want to include the daily facial clothes, which you can purchase, because they are an easy way to clean your face. Wet wipes … Continue reading

Emergency Kits Should Cover Five Days Instead of Three

Emergency kits are essential items to have on hand for you family. In the past emergency kits have been recommended to cover 72-hours. This recommendation is beginning to be changed to having five days of food and water on hand as opposed to the three-day supply previously recommended. I believe the reason for this is that in a widespread disaster such as Hurricane Katrina that the emergency workers may take longer than the three days to reach you. It would be wise to begin expanding your emergency kit to supply water and basic food needs to five days. The matter … Continue reading

MREs and Backpacking Meals for Emergency Kits

Two options you may want to consider for emergency food storage are MRE meals and backpacking meals. These are great options because they come in a wide variety of flavors and the meals are complete. They are also easy to prepare and are lightweight. This makes it easier for you pack other important items, which you may leave out because of the extra weight. MREs are Meals Ready to Eat. They were designed for soldiers to eat while in combat. You can purchase packs of them, which include several complete meals and snacks. The cases are packed with a variety … Continue reading

Emergency Kits: Part 3

As you might have gathered from Part 1, for a long time I avoided putting together an emergency kit. I found it completely overwhelming. Too many things to keep track of! Too many things to think about! It seemed so complicated that I wanted nothing to do with the whole idea. Now I’m a little more comfortable with the idea. We finally have an emergency kit for our family, one for each person in fact. So here’s a look at what I’ve done. I hope you find it useful! Our kits are in backpacks, one for each member of the … Continue reading