The Fox and the Hound (1981)

Another installment in the Disney Masterpiece Collection, “The Fox and the Hound” is the story of Tod, a little orphaned fox kit who is discovered by Big Mama (voiced by Pearl Bailey), an oversized maternal owl. She helps Tod attract the attention of Widow Tweed,a kindly woman who takes an immediate shine to him and bottle feeds him to full health. Once he’s back on his feet, he begins to explore, to stumble upon Copper, the new hound dog pup brought home by Amos Slade, the grumpy and trigger-happy hunter next door. Tod and Copper form a fast friendship and … Continue reading

Take Time to Pray (2)

Previously I wrote a blog over different times and situations in which one could take the opportunity to pray. Here are a few more times, things, and people for which Christians can pray to the Lord. Pray . . . Before making a big decision (or even a little decision). It is vital to include God in your plans no matter what you are doing. Sometimes I find it easier to remember to pray before things like making a decision about taking a new job or moving than the little decisions I make in my life. Although it is not … Continue reading