Mormons and Divorce – Part Four: Nevertheless . . .

As I’ve posted the blogs in this series, I’ve presented the very real fact that Mormons get divorced. In 2000, a study was held that stated 6% of temple marriages end in divorce. I’ll wager the percentage is higher now, although lower than the national average which currently stands at around 50%. Mormons do get divorced. It is possible. It’s also something that can be done without receiving condemnation from the Church—the act of divorce, in and of itself, is not a sin which needs to be repented of. Instead, it’s the actions that lead to the divorce that constitute … Continue reading

Mormons and Divorce – Part One: What Do Mormons Believe about Divorce?

In response to a comment made on one of my other blogs, I’m starting a short series entitled, “Mormons and Divorce.” I’m hoping to answer the questions posed by the commenter as well as others had by our readership here at One often-asked question is, “What do Mormons believe about divorce?” Some hold the mistaken idea that if you’re Mormon, you can’t get a divorce, and if you do, you’ll be condemned. That’s not the case. We believe that marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have, second only to your relationship with God. We believe that … Continue reading

Celebrate Forever Families

One of the most wonderful blessings of the temple is the chance for our families to be together forever. While marriages are always celebrated, sealings that take place at a later date may not always be. It is important to still honor this special occasion. The amount of celebration should go along with the couple’s comfort level. If the couple is being sealed to their children you can offer to take pictures of the family to honor this occasion. It may be nice to have the entire family dressed in white or Sunday clothes with the temple in the background. … Continue reading