Spending Money on Your Kids

When it comes to children and saving money, what do you do? What sacrifices are you willing to make for you children? And does the amount you spend on your children affect them? This is really a tricky area and the answers will be different for everyone. Here are a few areas that you may consider. 1) Daycare costs can be quite expensive. If both you and your spouse work, or if you are a single parent then this is a very real part of your budget. Daycare can be very expensive, depending on where you live and the quality … Continue reading

Should Kids Help With Their Own Living Expenses?

Some friends and I were talking recently about how different we thought things were for us when we were growing up. One friend confessed that while she had gone to a private, parochial school, she had to help pay for her own tuition when it became too expensive. Her parents said that she could go to public school, but if she stayed in the private school, she was going to have to contribute to the tuition from her own earnings. As for myself, I know that I had to pay for my own gas, oil, and car repairs once I … Continue reading

How Much is it Really Costing You to Make a Little Extra Money from Home?

Ever since making the decision to become a stay-at-home mom, I’ve tried various ways to make a little extra income from home. I’ve sold items on Ebay. I’ve consigned our clothing and I was a home-based Director for a direct selling company. I recently quit my latest home-based business because I realized that I was not spending as much time with my children as I’d hoped. Initially, my husband and I were quite concerned about the effect my decision to quit would have on our budget. While I am still earning some income from home, it is about one-half what … Continue reading

Can You Choose How Expensive It Will Be to Raise Your Child?

One ongoing discussion that my husband and I are having is about how expensive it is to raise children. I keep telling him that another child would not cost significantly more than what we are paying for right now. I think our major difference is looking at the different ends of the spectrum. I am mostly focusing on the present and he is focusing on the future. We also came from different backgrounds. He came from a smaller family. He was fortunate enough to have a car in high school. His parents helped to pay for his school. They weren’t … Continue reading

Deciding if More Training is Worth It

You have probably noticed by now that everything come downs to time management and a cost analysis in your home business—most things get evaluated based on whether they are worth your time and effort, and how they will affect the bottom line. Taking a class, getting more training or expanding on your education can fall into that same consideration—how can you tell if it is going to be worth your time and expense to invest in extra training? Start by looking at areas of definite weakness—places where some extra training would really benefit your business. If you are not very … Continue reading

How Much Can You Save By Being Home-Based?

One of the categories we touch on here in the Home Business blog is all the things we LIKE about working at a home-based business. Other than flexibility and being in charge of our own work destiny—one of the things that comes up is how those of us who make the shift to a home business are able to eliminate some of the expenses we had when we were working more traditional jobs. Expenses that can be eliminated, or at least diminished, by NOT going out to work outside the home office include day care, transportation and commuting, clothing and … Continue reading

Expenses to Consider when Working at Home

In my blog yesterday, I talked about the expenses to consider when working outside of the home. Many people are able to rattle off a list of expenses that people incur while working in an office, but some people don’t realize there are also (sometimes considerable) expenses when working at home. Here are a few I have come up with: Expenses when Working at Home: ~ Higher utility bills because you are home all day long. Many times, people will be able to turn their heat or AC down during the day while they’re gone. If you work at home, … Continue reading

Expenses to Consider when Working at the Office

People often try to compare and contrast the differences between working in an office, and working at home. I thought that today, we could talk strictly dollars and cents–expenses that you might incur while working in either location. Hopefully these blogs will help you make the decision of where it would be best for you to work. I know that there is a lot more to the decision of where to work than the financial aspect of it, but in many cases, as much as we would like to have it differently, it often does come down to that. It … Continue reading

Five Tips to Help You Stop Using the Credit Cards

Have you told yourself that you need to stop using the credit cards, but find yourself pulling them out anyway? Each month you promise yourself that you are going to start paying back the cards, but then find your balance steadily increasing? Here are five tips to help you stop using those cards. 1) The best way to stop yourself is to stop carrying the cards with you. If you do not feel safe without a credit card (to pay a tow truck or to handle a similar emergency) then carry one with a very small limit, so you will … Continue reading

Can Cost of Living Affect Your Budget?

Have you ever compared your budget to someone else’s? Or were you surprised at how much your expenses decreased or increased the last time you moved? The cost of living in your area will directly affect how much you spend each month. The price of a gallon on milk varies widely from location to location, not to mention housing, gas prices and taxes. When you are taking a new job or accepting a promotion with a move it is important to take the cost of living considerations along with the new salary. If you are really struggling to make ends … Continue reading