Time Magazine Writes About Facebook and Adoption

Facebook can be a great way to keep in touch with living family members. But, what if your family isn’t ready to connect with you yet? Time Magazine recently did an article discussing the potential of using facebook to find one’s birth parents, or to find children who had been adopted by another family. If you have ever used facebook, you are already aware of how easy it is to find people you want to connect with. You can use their friend finder tool to locate people you went to high school with, former and current co-workers, and family members … Continue reading

Genealogy Resources on Facebook

Most people are aware that facebook can be used to connect with old friends, and long lost family members. Did you know that you can find genealogy resources on facebook? It takes a bit of searching to locate these resources, but they are out there. In order to view most things on facebook, including the pages that have genealogy information, you need to join facebook. After you do that, you can start looking for relatives that have already joined facebook, and connect with them. There is a facebook application called “Family Tree”. You can click a button in this application, … Continue reading

My Family Is On Facebook

I come from a very large family. Most of my family lives in the Midwestern United States, and I live in California. The distance can make it difficult to keep in touch with all my relatives, because I cannot easily drop by for lunch, or attend birthday parties and other family events. I never expected to find so many family members on facebook, but there they are! I resisted joining facebook for a long time. I’m not very involved in “social networking”, and most of what I heard about facebook involved description of time waster games, (such as the popular … Continue reading

Disney Tickets Together on Facebook

Everything goes through Facebook these days. Companies use it to network, advertising agencies promote their wares, and people play games and scroll through pictures of their friends. With everything attached to Facebook now, it’s hard to remember the early days of the site, back when it was only designed for students. Those days are long past, and now Facebook routinely performs one of its primary services as a marketing tool. Companies create pages for their products of which people can become fans; sometimes agencies also put together groups where fans come together and discuss their favorite show, clothing line, etc. … Continue reading

Do You Put Pictures of Your Baby on Facebook?

It’s hard to believe Facebook didn’t even exist ten years ago. It seems everyone has a profile these days. Whether you’re a 13-year-old chatting with her friends about homework, a businessman doing networking, or a grandma oohing and ahhing over the latest pictures of her grandchildren, Facebook has something for everyone. I use Facebook as a means to keep in instant contact with my family and friends. When your closest immediate family member lives states away, easy communication is a must. Uploading pictures is simple, and everyone can easily see new and updated pictures of my daughter. Facebook is a … Continue reading

Confessions of a Reluctant Facebook Parent

Within hours of posting my last blog regarding obsessed Facebook parents, I learned that not all moms and dads, who use the social networking site, do so willingly. Enter Tom*. I worked with Tom for about three years prior to becoming a stay-at-home. By the time I met him he was divorced and his teenage children were living with their mother in a neighboring state. Tom was a veteran in our business, but by no means a dinosaur. Then again, he wasn’t a spring chicken either, so I wasn’t surprised to learn that when it came to high-tech stuff, Tom … Continue reading

How Facebook Could be Bad for Your Marriage

Facebook can be a great networking tool to keep in touch with current friends and re-establish contact with old ones. But there are several ways that Facebook could actually be bad for your marriage. Here are some examples. You Spend Too Much Time on It Facebook can be addicting. There are so many messages, status updates, photos, videos, games, quizzes and applications (what is a sea garden anyway?) to occupy your time. But if you would rather stay up with Facebook instead of go to bed with your spouse, it might be a problem. You Air Your Grievances It is … Continue reading

Pressured into Online Social Networking

My teens have finally persuaded me and I have given in to their prods and almost-encouraging words and am now officially learning how to “do” the online social networking. With my first Facebook page up and running I am floundering around like an oldster in the dark… I figured if my 80+ year-old grandmother can send me a steady supply of e-mails, I can get with it and learn how to do this fancy networking. My girls have been teasing me because it took me a month just to learn the name—I called it everything from “My Face” to “Space … Continue reading

Santa Talks Dirty, and Other Computing News for December 6th

In the headlines: Microsoft Santa Talks Dirty, New Intel Processors are Coming, and Facebook apologizes. Facebook Apologizes Facebook is in the news again regarding its controversial “social add” policy. You may remember from an earlier blog that Facebook implemented a new system that automatically tracked users interests and purchases and sent out ads to everyone in their list. Critics of the new system said that it violates users privacy and was implemented on the sly. Wednesday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued a small apology and talked about changed that are being made to the ad system, known as Beacon. “We’ve made … Continue reading

Virtual Gifts Is a Million Dollar Industry

When your holiday shopping, have you ever considered a virtual gifts? These items can’t be held, touched, smelled, although they can be posted on web pages, such as Facebook or used in virtual worlds, such as Second Life. The only thing real about these virtual presents is the fact that they cost actual money. And despite the idea of paying something for nothing, virtual gifts are a hot commodity. Users are shelling out millions of dollars for the privilege of giving virtual gifts. People are becoming more open to buying things that don’t really exist. On Facebook, for example, virtual … Continue reading