Finals Fears

I don’t have any scientific data to back me up on this (though it may exist) but I’m quite certain I’ve figured out at least one reason I tend to score fairly well on tests for courses, classes, and other evaluative procedures. Today I took a test. I took a big test. The test covered 2500 years (actually much more) of topics, over 3000 pages of material, an innumerable variety of topics, approximately 12 in-depth student presentations, a couple of in-class videos, and some other abstract topics. It covered countries all over the world and performance practices and practitioners from … Continue reading

When Begging Doesn’t Help You

Do you remember when you were little and you had told a lie and your parents knew it? It was probably about something small: Did you eat the cookie? Did you leave the back door open? Did you duct tape your brother to the drywall? It was stupid to lie but when you’re little sitting in the corner really feels like a terrible punishment. All of this changes when you are an adult (and should actually act like one). I’ve written about taking responsibility before but today I’m going to write about what happens when you don’t take responsibility. I’m … Continue reading