Sacrifice Now or Sacrifice Later

If you are struggling to find the inspiration or reason to begin taking control of your finances you ought to think about the freedom that being debt free with a large savings account will allow you to accomplish. You will have the means and ability to do the things that matter most to you. Here are some examples of dreams that were realized as a result of being financial responsible. 1) I know one couple who was able to completely quit their jobs for a year. They used this time to tour the United States (you could choose Europe or … Continue reading

Balancing Family Time and Money

It can be difficult to balance work with family life. It is also difficult to balance providing for your family and spending quality time with them. Many people feel that the best way that they can help their children is to provide as much as possible for them. Sadly this often means that they spend the majority of their time focused on money, and not nearly enough focused on the children that they are trying to provide for. It is important to provide food, clothing and shelter for your family. Most people want to create positive safe home environment for … Continue reading

Financial Sacrifices for Your Children

When you become a parent you begin to make sacrifices for your children. You sacrifice your time to spend time doing things that your children want to do. You may sacrifice that new pair of jeans so that your child can have a few new pairs. You may sacrifice fancy dinners out, so that you child can take ballet lessons. All of these things are normal, but is there a time when you should put yourself ahead of your child—at least financially speaking? Most experts would say that there is. When it comes to saving for your child’s education or … Continue reading