Going (Coco) NUTS In Hawaii

It’s the only food festival in the world where I don’t walk away 5 pounds heavier. If it were not for the fact that I am allergic to the hearty fruit I would eat everything in sight at Kauai’s Coconut Festival. Believe me (I was born and raised in Hawaii); if you find yourself in the “Aloha State” during the month of October this is one event you don’t want to miss. The 11th annual Kauai Coconut Festival takes place this year on October 6th and 7th at Kapaa Beach Park on the lush eastern portion of the Hawaiian Island … Continue reading

Fall Food Festivals—-Celebrating Okra

I grew up in Hilo, Hawaii… a place far removed from the region of the country where okra thrives. Yet, I love the fuzzy green veggie. All thanks to my Texas-born best friend. My pal Erika was born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, but moved to Hawaii when she was 12 and her professor parents accepted jobs teaching at our local university. Erika’s family moved in down the street from me and we became fast friends. Which means I shared many meals at her home. Hence, my introduction to okra. The slimy green pod vegetable was a staple in Erika’s … Continue reading

Rat’s the Word

Are you ready for Ratatouille? I admit to have some reticence when I first saw the previews for it because the idea of a film that focused on a rat in a kitchen didn’t seem to be so appealing at first, but later previews are persuading me to be more interested. As part of the promotional campaign for Ratatouille The Big Cheese Tour kicked off yesterday at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. The Big Cheese Tour So what is The Big Cheese Tour? It’s a cross-country event that will be appearing at major food festivals and others all summer … Continue reading

Traveling To A Taro Festival

In previous blogs I’ve detailed my adventures traveling around the nation to various food festivals. Right now, on the island of Maui, locals are gearing up for one of Hawaii’s most popular food festivals—the East Maui Taro Festival. (I’ve even considered petitioning the Food Network to send a crew to cover it as an episode on their show “All-American Food Festivals.”) On the last weekend in April, the tight-knit community of Hana hosts this down home bash that attracts more than 5,000 visitors and residents each year. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the festival, which features a number … Continue reading

Affordable Family-Friendly Festivals

You’ve heard it echoed in neighborhoods, playgroups, offices, grocery stores, even in the doctor’s waiting room. Seems like you just can’t escape “it.” “It” is the insanely high price of gas and nowadays, it’s the topic of conversation wherever you go. Ironically, it was a topic brought up last weekend during a mini-road trip my family took to attend a local Kite Festival. Ironic, because like many families, the skyrocketing price of gas has forced us to eliminate our “big” summer road trip. Instead, we have opted to save gas (and money) by attending a variety of area festivals that … Continue reading

“Taste of Chicago”—The Ultimate Food Festival

It’s the one summer event I never miss. I’ve been there while I was pregnant. I was there with an infant. I go if it’s raining. I’ve even attended when the temperature hovered near 100. I’ve flown there. Walked there. Ridden an elevated train to get there. What can I say? When it comes to food I’m a die-hard. So, it is with joy… no, make that utter glee, that I make my annual pilgrimage to the “Taste of Chicago” to indulge in delicacies from alligator-on-a-stick to Pad Thai, lobster rolls, wild boar sausage, grilled chopped lime chicken salad, and … Continue reading