A Deeper Look Into a Once a Month Cooking Session

It is always helpful to get an idea what a cooking session is like, before you jump head first into trying a once-a-month cooking session. I’ve already shared what it is like to prepare for one in the upcoming days prior. I have also already given you a peek into what the start of the day looks like, so now it is time to get a bit deeper and really start cooking. After I have gathered everything, and prepared the early stages (such as hamburger meat, chicken breasts, ham, etc.) it is time to get it ready for each recipe. … Continue reading

A Glimpse at a Once a Month Cooking Session

I thought it might be helpful to some of you, if I showed you what a day of once-a- month cooking looks like. It really differs for everyone, and it is not even always the same for me. It depends on how many meals I plan to make, which is dependent on what events we have going on during that time period. For example, if we have horseback riding lessons that night at 6:30, we have to be there by 6:00 to tack up. My last three children get home from school at 4:30, which is too early to eat, … Continue reading

Freezer Soup Is Free

The old saying goes that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Well, with freezer soup that is as wrong as can be. If you know the basics of this frugal technique, you can have your free lunch (or dinner) and eat it too! Freezer soup is one of those things that is so simple to do. It uses up leftovers that might otherwise go bad or be thrown away. How many times have you been left with just a little bit of leftovers that aren’t quite enough to make another full meal. Do you force yourself to … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week In Review for April 16th to April 22nd

Frugal Living has become such second nature to me, that sometimes I forget to share ideas that I use everyday. I am trying to make a more conscious effort, to pass these along to others, so they can save money too. This past week was filled with excellent articles by three bloggers, all whom I consider quite obviously well-versed, on the art of Frugal Living. There are always a never ending supply of terrific ideas, tips, resources and advice for living a more frugal lifestyle. If you haven’t checked it out late, be sure and visit the Frugal Blog! Monday … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Supplies That Make It Easier

There are so many items that can make freezer cooking easier, if you have them on hand. Sometimes when we set out to do a freezer cooking session, we don’t necessarily think about these items. Here is another great list of items that are really handy on that long day of cooking! Coffee Maker – This can come in handy for several purposes. You can keep yourself energized and wake yourself up, by having a few cups. But aside from the obvious, you can use it to quickly heat water or make coffee for recipes that might call for it. … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Must Have Items

While supplies needed for different styles of freezer cooking sessions, varies somewhat, there are some that are more convenient to have on hand than others. This does not mean that you are supposed to run out to the store, and purchase all these items if you do not have them already. You can do just that, but I would recommend seeing first, how often you actually use each individual item and if they really warrant a purchase. In the meantime, try to borrow from friends, family and neighbors. If you ask them, usually they are quite willing to lend it … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Getting Comfortable

Staying comfortable during your freezer cooking session is extremely important. You will more than likely be tempted to test taste some of the food, skip lunch because you aren’t aware of the time, not take enough breaks and just generally neglect yourself. But taking care of yourself is the only way to get through the day. Shoes It is important to wear extremely comfortable shoes on freezer cooking session day. You will be on your feet most of the time and you will want to be sure your feet have lots of support. This is not the day for bare … Continue reading

Food Prep Businesses: A Growing Trend in Freezer Cooking

Have you ever tried once a month cooking or freezer cooking? If not and you’re looking to save time and money, you need to check out the frugal blog, or the freezer cooking recipes here. With few exceptions, most recipes will freeze well. However, there is a growing trend catering (pun totally intended) to the uber busy supermom who wants to have a gourmet home cooked meal every night. . .or at least nearly every night. Known as meal prep businesses, they are cropping up all over the United States. Here’s how it works. You make an appointment with said … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Shopping With a Plan

After you have decided on the recipes you will use for your freezer cooking session, and you have checked to see what you already have on hand, as far as ingredients go, you will now have to make a trip to the store to get the rest. Hopefully you have been watching sales ads and coupons and have planned accordingly. So, how do you get the most out of shopping with a plan? Simple. By planning to shop. Before you leave the house with list in hand, you will need to check through all cabinets and shelves, to be sure … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Sharing With a Friend

Freezer cooking is a big job if you plan to do several weeks at a time. In fact, it can dominate a major part of a day, and can even sometimes require a second day. While I don’t mind, some other’s get lonely, they get stressed and frustrated and honestly, it’s the light at the end of the tunnel (the several weeks worth of frozen meals) that get them through the whole process. It does not have to be that bad. In fact, a freezer cooking session can be quite enjoyable. Especially if you invite a friend along! Invite a … Continue reading