Oh Snap! Cold Snap that is…

We were feeling pretty proud of ourselves for having begun our gardening on time this year, since we usually get a bit of a late state. The end of March is supposed to be the optimum time to start planting in our area, according to most sources. We tilled, fertilized, tilled some more, smoothed, made rows, planted, watered, fenced, and then some. It was exhausting, but it was a good kind of tired and my husband and I were feeling quite productive. We also started a bunch of plants in containers with seeds that we had on hand and they … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Hypothermia

Pets that are outdoors in the cold — especially in temperatures below freezing — can develop hypothermia. Hypothermia is an abnormal lowering of the body’s temperature. It can lead to unconsciousness, shock, and even death. A pet that shows signs of frostbite (including shivering, ice on the fur or body, and discoloration of skin at the extremities) may also be experiencing hypothermia. However, hypothermia can occur without frostbite present. Signs of hypothermia include shivering, weakness, and a low body temperature. Take your pet’s temperature rectally to be certain. The most important thing you can do is get your pet warm! … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: How Do I Store My Meals In The Freezer (2)

Freezer cooking is one of the easiest ways to save time and money. However, with that comes the challenge of what to freezer your items in. Obviously we have to be careful what we store items in, since heating up certain items, in certain ways would be a challenge if we used the wrong type of storage. There probably is no wrong way to store, and I have tried many things and never had anything not work, I’ve just had some items take longer because of how I’ve stored them. I’ve already shared with you my plastic storage containers and … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: How Do I Store My Meals In The Freezer (1)

Freezer cooking is one of the easiest ways to save time and money. However, with that comes the challenge of what to freezer your items in. Obviously we have to be careful what we store items in, since heating up certain items, in certain ways would be a challenge if we used the wrong type of storage. There probably is no wrong way to store, and I have tried many things and never had anything not work, I’ve just had some items take longer because of how I’ve stored them. No matter what type of storage method you use, you … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking Ham Recipes

Freezer cooking is still a very frugal way of life. Our family especially enjoys dinners that contain chicken and beef, but there are lots of other meals you can prepare and freeze. Here are a few that we as a family have tried and given a thumbs up. I hope your family enjoys them as much as we did. Just remember if you want to double or triple the recipe, just double or triple the ingredients and prepare them and store them separately. Ham and Potato Casserole 2 lbs hash browns, frozen (cubed) 1 1/2 cups white sauce 2 Tb. … Continue reading