“Hey Mom, I LIKE Gifted School!”

My eight-year-old son has embarked on his new journey into the gifted “spectrum” program in our school district. At first, he was very reluctant. He has several good friends who live within walking distance of our home who he liked to play with at school. Leaving those buddies behind was a little hard to face. “I don’t think I want to go to gifted school,” he said. Several readers urged me to have him attend anyway, because of the marvelous educational opportunity he had been given. Finally, somewhat hesitantly, he determined to give it a try. One drawback has been … Continue reading

“I Don’t Want to Go to Gifted School!”

Yesterday I opened a letter from the school district inviting my seven-year-old son to attend a special school for gifted children. Based on test scores and teacher recommendations, he was invited to start attending a new school in the fall. He would then continue enrollment at the school under the same gifted program for the next four years. Hmmmm. I sat down with my son and had a little chat. I explained to him what a great opportunity this was, and told him he could go visit the school and meet the teacher. But Liam wasn’t so sure. “What about … Continue reading