Training Your Dog With the Gentle Leader

Wearing a Gentle Leader is going to be an unusual experience for your dog — especially if he’s only used to wearing a traditional collar. The nose loop may feel very weird, kind of like a person wearing glasses for the very first time. His nose may itch or tickle. What might your dog do to resist the Gentle Leader? Paw at his face. Roll on the ground. Rub his face on furniture, people’s legs, or the carpet. Bark or whine. Petting your dog and telling him “it’s okay” will reinforce this behavior. Save the praise for when he is … Continue reading

The Gentle Leader

Is your dog a puller? You may want to try the Gentle Leader. This head-collar is not a muzzle — the dog is able to eat, drink, pant, play, bark, and even bite when the Gentle Leader is on. The Gentle Leader has two straps — one loops loosely around the muzzle and one loops around the neck. The nose loop helps mimic pack behavior — an alpha will grab a subordinate’s muzzle in his mouth to demonstrate dominance. The nose loop lets your dog know that you are his superior. The neck strap puts pressure at the back of … Continue reading