Bono and George Michael Break Records

The popular musicians are back in the headlines again, though not exactly for the same reasons. Per usual, Bono is garnering attention for his philanthropic deeds, which broke records last week. Thanks to his famous pals the U2 frontman was able to raise more than $42 million in an art auction to benefit the Global Fund of the United Nations Foundation, which works to fight AIDS in Africa. The event took place on Valentine’s Day (apropos considering the cash went to benefit Bono’s RED charity) at Sotheby’s on New York’s Upper East Side and brought out everyone from Martha Stewart … Continue reading

Trouble, More Trouble, and a Marriage

Hasselhoff Loses Visitation Rights Actor turned reality show judge David Hasselhoff has temporarily lost visitation rights to see his two daughters after one filmed him while drunk. An emergency order was filed by Hasselhoff’s ex-wife Pamela Bach and a family court judge suspended his rights to see his daughters until May 21. Bach’s attorney has asked the court to force Hasselhoff into alcohol rehab before he can see his daughters again. The video was taken earlier this year and Hasselhoff’s lawyer has admitted the actor has struggled to stay clean and is taking steps to make sure a relapse does … Continue reading