A Child’s Self Esteem and the Frugal Life

My daughter came home the other day from a doll playdate. The girls all brought their 18-inch dolls, you know the American Girl Doll kind. My daughter does have a real American Girl Doll, given to her on her birthday after more than four years on her wish list and some creative saving. She is fond of that doll, and has never once complained about the fact that it is her only one (it is not unusual for her peers to have three or four of these dolls as well as all of the accessories). She did complain though that … Continue reading

Hosting a Girls-Only Super Bowl Party

If you don’t want to be ignored by your hubby for five hours tomorrow evening you might consider sending him to a friend’s house to watch the Super Bowl. While he’s gone invite your gal pals over for a football fiesta of your very own. Otherwise, if your better half has commandeered the TV remote, then meet up with your girlfriends at a local bowling alley or favorite restaurant. While there order some of your favorite drinks and toast the end of the football season. If your guest list is stunted because your BFFs can’t find a sitter to watch … Continue reading

Baby’s Gender Linked to Diet

Are your children more of one gender than the other? Are you hoping specifically for a boy or a girl? New research says that your diet may have something to do with the sex of your baby! And in some developed countries, the proportion of boys is actually falling due to dietary changes. While I often laugh at gender prediction kits, quizzes, and advice, this is one study that actually has some science behind it, so it got my attention. Having had four pregnancies in which three of the pregnancies resulted in boy fetuses and only one in a girl, … Continue reading

Planning a Frugal Girl’s Night Out This Weekend

Every adult needs a night out now and again, and a girl’s night out is the perfect solution. However, having a night together out on the town can get costly and is certainly not very friendly to those that are on a budget. How would you like to have a fantastic girls night, without spending a lot? Here are a few tips: Ladies Night – If you absolutely must go “out on the town” look for bars, clubs and other venues that offer a ladies night. These places typically will have no added cost to get in and the drinks … Continue reading

Cutting Kids Hair at Home: Girls

Cutting kids hair at home can definitely be a money saver, especially if you have a large family. I used to be intimidated by cutting kids hair, but in reality it isn’t that hard to do. And if you do make a mistake when you are first starting out, well hair does grow back, doesn’t it? I’m just teasing; you’ll be fine. Just read the following tips to make it easier to do. For girls, it is pretty easy to just cut the hair straight at the bottoms and keep it trimmed. As you get more used to cutting hair, … Continue reading

Rosie’s Big City Ballet – Patricia Reilly Giff

If you have an intermediate reader who is interested in ballet, “Rosie’s Big City Ballet” is for you. Rosie takes ballet once a week, and she thinks it would be nice to become a ballerina some day, but she sometimes forgets to practice, and there are times when she’d rather be outside playing than thinking about her assignments. She has an older neighbor named Amy who is in the chorus at a ballet in the city, and she invites Rosie to come see a performance of “Romeo and Juliet.” Rosie is delighted, and even more so when she gets to … Continue reading

American Girl Magazine

American Girl Magazine is written for girls ages 8-12, and a yearly subscription runs $22.95. This is a bi-monthly magazine, so you will receive 6 issues for that price. American Girl’s main focus is to help girls to find their voice and to develop their talents so they can grow up to be empowered women. Using the May/June 2007 issue, I’d like to show you what you’re likely to get in each installment of the magazine: This issue has a rainbow theme. Right inside, we read letters to the editor sent in from all over the country. Then we see … Continue reading

Daughter of a King – Rachel Ann Nunes

Possibly the most famous picture book to come out of the LDS market, “Daughter of a King” by best-selling author Rachel Ann Nunes is a sweet and poignant reminder to little girls, young women, and older women too, of their divine heritage as daughters of Heavenly Father, Who truly is The King. Katie was a young girl who lived in a small house in a small village. Her parents frequently told her that she was a princess, but she didn’t always look like one. She liked to run and play, and her dress got holes regularly. After dinner, her parents … Continue reading

Expanding Your Horizons Network

While searching various subjects on science and technology, I came across an organization that supports girls and science. Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a non-profit organization that supports girls in selecting careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This organization consists of teachers, scientists, family members, community officials, and government representatives. The network began very informally in the San Francisco Bay area in 1974 after a group of women scientists and teachers began meeting. The women received a grant in 1978 by the Carnegie Corporation to support their efforts. A resource center with professional staff members was created in … Continue reading

Introduction from a new homeschool blogger

I’d like to introduce myself to the Families.com family. I’m a mom, a freelance writer, and a new homeschooling blogger here. I’m delighted to have this opportunity to write about a lifestyle and method of education that I love. We’re a family of five from the Midwest. When people ask how long we’ve been homeschooling, I often say that we’ve done it since birth, since parents are the first and most important educators of their children. But, for an actual chronology of my kids’ education, I can also say that we started formally homeschooling our oldest when she entered first … Continue reading