Unhealthy Obsessions: Me and My Computer

I have come to the conclusion that I am really obsessed with my computer, and the Internet. As I already covered earlier, I have found that I always seem to have multiple programs going at the same time: iTunes, Bloglines, Gmail, and lots of documents everywhere–finished blogs I need to post, halfway finished ones I need to polish, and then ones that only have the idea typed across the top (“Need to talk about how to deal with an insane boss”–something I’ve had to deal with way too often lately.) On a particularly crazy day, I had twelve documents open … Continue reading

Multitasking – A Time Saver?

I was just reading an article at the New York Times about multitasking, and it made me think about how many tasks I am typically trying to accomplish at the same time. Right now on my computer I have my RSS feed on, so if one of my favorite websites gets updated, I will know right away. I have iTunes playing soft rock music. I have my e-mail on, which I tend to get quite a few e-mails throughout the day. I have a weather bar at the bottom of my browser, updating my weather conditions every 30 minutes for … Continue reading