Focus on Teaching Your Children the Gospel

One of the greatest responsibilities that we have parents is to teach our children the gospel. We need to work every day to teach our children the commandments as well as the Plan of Salvation. Teaching our children the gospel should be a daily continuous process. It is important that we give our children the strength to withstand the negative influences in the world. Family home evening every week is an excellent way to address specific gospel principles. It is a chance to talk about the gospel in depth with your children. Family scripture study also gives you this opportunity … Continue reading

Primary Time: Incorporating Gospel Teaching Into Daily Life

When you have children in primary, you are dealing with many issues along with teaching them the gospel. It can be easy to push aside the most important things to fit in the busy to do lists that come with parenting. It is important to find ways to incorporate gospel teaching into the every day experiences that you are having. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) When you are talking about a situation that your child may be experiencing at school, or with their friends try to relate it back to the gospel. You can talk about … Continue reading