The Thank-You Threat

First, it was the Santa threat, and now on this 12th day of Christmas, the Feast of the Epiphany, it’s time for the thank-you threat. We have a firm rule in our home regarding Christmas thank-you cards.  The notes of appreciation need to be written by the Epiphany.  This gives the child recipients more than a week to express their gratitude in words to friends and family members who generously showered them with holiday gifts. My mom was a stickler for thank-you notes, Christmas, birthday and otherwise.  In fact, my brothers and I were not allowed to open Christmas gifts … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Gratitude

This section of the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet is one of the shortest, but oh what a difference it makes in your life! Many of us have heard President Monson talk about an “attitude of gratitude” and how it will make our lives seem happier and more bountiful. This section of the pamphlet also has a parable attached to teach the principle. The parable of the ten lepers (found in Luke 17:12-19) illustrates this standard beautifully. In this parable, Christ encounters ten lepers, who beg him to heal them. He takes mercy on them, and sends them to … Continue reading

Two Interesting Comments

Do you love your spouse for who he or she is? In a novel I was reading recently by Kristin Hannah, called Between Sisters, the husband tells his wife two things about why he’s leaving her for another woman, that struck me as important: ‘Nothing I do is good enough for you.’ The second is more about the woman he has been seeing ‘She loves who I am, not who I could be if I were more ambitious.’ They’re telling comments and although it’s fiction the comment s have the ring of truth about them. The first one made me … Continue reading

Feeling Better

I still have gratitude on my mind (’tis the season, after all!). And right now I’m thinking what a miracle it is to feel good. There are lots of times I don’t. I tend to get tension headaches, so if my day turns stressful (and it often does), I end up with a headache. Mostly, they’re minor, and easily ignored. Sometimes they need an over the counter pain remedy before they hit the road. It’s not a huge deal — but I am used to having some small level of pain in my head at any given time. The days … Continue reading

Health and Gratitude

It’s that time of year: time to start counting our blessings. Holiday season is upon us, with Thanksgiving tomorrow (for U.S. folks) and winter holidays on the horizon. I think gratitude is a healthy thing. It’s so easy to get mired down in what’s wrong, what’s hard, what’s stressful… and forget all the things that are good in our lives. Sometimes, stopping to take stock can be a real eye-opener. It’s a great chance to let the good things shine for a while. I happened to be at the doctor’s office today — my first appointment at a new office. … Continue reading

Showing Love of Life

How much do you take your marriage and your life for granted? Is it obvious from your attitudes that you are happy in your marriage and that you love life? This was brought home to Mick and I last night as we went to a concert by the Watoto Children’s Choir. For the first time in ten days Mick was able to stand up and walk a little and so we went to the free concert. The Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda consists of children made orphans through Aids. As they told their stories in between singing and dancing, you … Continue reading

Can Love be Re-Ignited?

If the love seems to have gone out of your marriage can it be re-ignited? You won’t know until you try. And that’s the rub. First you have to be willing to try and do something about your marriage and not just walk away. So the first step is a commitment to having the marriage work. As a starting point remember why you fell in love with your spouse. Think back. What was it drew you to him or her initially. Make a list of those qualities you loved about them? Don’t they still have those qualities? So find ways … Continue reading

Teaching Children Gratitude

This time of year is a great time to focus on being thankful. It is also a good time to teach your children to be thankful, and to set up traditions and habits that can carry gratitude over into the entire year. Here are four ways that you can show your gratitude and teach your children to do the same. One way you can do this is to start a family tradition of sharing three things you are grateful for at Sunday dinner each day. This is carrying the Thanksgiving tradition of expressing thanks throughout the year. If you give … Continue reading

Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving with Your Spouse

How do you normally celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you stuff yourself on the traditional turkey fare? Once stuffed, do you then collapse in front of the TV to half nap, half watch football? Do you rush between houses to see all branches of the family tree? Or does your whole family gather in one place and play games, like perhaps a friendly match of touch football? Last year Wayne and I went to Denver, where our families both live, and caught up with everyone. That was a big deal for us, because most years we’re pretty low key. Either we get … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Love Stories: Be Grateful You’re Not Married to Spencer Pratt

If you’re not a fan of The Hills, you may not have any idea who Spencer Pratt or his girlfriend Heidi Montag are. Er…except it’s not right to say Heidi’s his girlfriend anymore. After breaking up during last season, they got back together this season. Worse (I say that because I can’t stand Spencer and am in the camp that thinks Heidi’s making a big mistake staying with him), news broke last night that the pair eloped to Mexico just a few days ago and are now married. None of Heidi’s family was there. Nor were any of her friends. … Continue reading