Thanksgiving Love Stories: The Truest Match of All

This morning I saw a story on the news that inspired me to try something different this week in the Marriage Blog. Instead of just focusing on reasons to be thankful for the love in our lives come Thanksgiving Day, why not stretch it out all week? After all, with such tough economic times upon us and news of doom and gloom regularly bombarding us, it’s perhaps the perfect time to spend as much time as possible focusing on the positive and remembering all the blessings we do have to be grateful for. The Kidney Donor The story I heard … Continue reading

What Would You Say?

In yesterday’s article, I asked how your weekend was and then told you about mine. I’m going to ask you to think about that question again. How was your weekend? Jade left a comment about what she and her beau did over the weekend. She said leaf peeping and movies, but also something else I thought was very important: “…and generally just enjoyed being together.” I wonder if she made sure to thank her man? I’m asking because yesterday I explained how Wayne did something that salvaged both my mood and the weekend. When I kissed him goodbye yesterday morning, … Continue reading

Dealing With Jealousy – part 3

Over the last two days we’ve looked at reasons for jealousy. A third reason people are often jealous of others is because of what they have. If you are jealous of others because of what they own, then I suggest you need to make a list – not necessarily of what you own but of all the blessings God has given you. You will soon see how much you have to be thankful for. I’m a great one for lists and the making of lists which identify blessings God has given me is one I have found particularly helpful. What … Continue reading

This Is Why I Sing – part 2

Here is the second part of my list of praise points. I praise God for: Pansies and their happy faces coming out in our garden, also azaleas, primulas,and our first yellow daffodil is out. Human beings don’t ever seem to be able to produce that brilliant clear yellow God does in daffodils and wattle. Studying I John 3 with our Bible study home group I John 3 highlights the love of God and adoption into His family and the hope we have. It also teaches the importance of not continuing to practice sin but aiming to be increasingly holy in … Continue reading

This Is Why I Sing – Part 1

Another end of a week and instead of a week in review I’m going to do another week of praise points. This is the first part. I praise God for: Dreams, hopes and aspirations. God’s wisdom in realizing I was unable because of illness to do a job I’d been asked to do and not trying to push myself to do the impossible. God’s enabling leading the music on Sunday and the great songs chosen which focused on what an Indescribable and awesome God we serve and that He is Holy but our sins are forgiven and we are washed … Continue reading

An Attitude of Gratitude 2

I’ve been talking about how an attitude of gratitude is important when living frugally. if you missed the first part of this topic, please click here: An Attitude of Gratitude. I really appreciate all of the great comments on that post! Here are two instances in the same day just this week that illustrate how good things may happen when you are grateful. The first was on a trip to the library to pick up some books and a movie. The person ahead of me had a large stack of books to check out, so I decided to browse around. … Continue reading

The Secret to Enjoying Life

My calendar this morning says ‘the secret to enjoying life is to be thankful for what each day brings.’ Are you enjoying life? If not, the fault could be that you are not looking to find the blessings in each day. No matter how bad things are there is always something we can thank God for. Here’s my notebook of 10 blessings from the last 3 days. 1. Church music practice this week was so good. We sang ‘Shout to the Lord.’ This song has a lot of meaning for me. The last time I sang it at church was … Continue reading

An Attitude of Gratitude

So many times when we practice frugal living, we concentrate on saving money and making things stretch farther because we have a sense of not having enough otherwise. I think we need to get away from the attitude of not having enough. Instead, we should change it to one of gratitude for what we do have, as well as the opportunity to have enough knowledge and drive to be good stewards of our resources. Have you ever been to a store and saw something you wanted only to think: I can’t afford that! This is the wrong attitude to have. … Continue reading

Recognizing the Lord’s Hand in Your Life

Are there times in your life when it is difficult to find the hand of the Lord in your life? Often in the midst of trials or even day to day life it can be difficult to recognize that the Lord cares about your daily struggles. It is too easy to think that only the really big milestones matter to the Lord, or that you are insignificant in the sight of the Lord. There are times that I struggle with these feelings. However I know that the Lord loves me. When I feel this way I do a few things … Continue reading

Enjoy Joy

Stop and smell the roses. That old expression is still meaningful today — take the time to appreciate the little things around you. When you open yourself up to the good little things in life, you can be a happier, healthier person. According to a study from Yale University, people who have a cheerful outlook live an average of seven and a half years longer than the doom-and-gloom crowd. A positive attitude can help you recover more quickly after an illness, too! Be proud of yourself. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating your successes — whether you finished a big project … Continue reading