Can You Return Your HD DVD?

For those who are “stuck” with the outdated HD DVD system, reminiscent of the old format war that plagued video recording systems, life may be sad; at least as far as home theater systems go. As we all know, HD DVD is dead, beat out by Blu-ray whose global distribution system was far superior and, in my opinion, the main reason for its winning the race. But, the good news is that if you do have an HD DVD system, you may be able to return it for store credit. Some stores are allowing you to do just that. If … Continue reading


Toshiba, the manufacturer of the HD DVD format announced yesterday that it will no longer manufacture players with the HD DVD format. This basically ends the extended war between the two high definition DVD formats, HD DVD and BluRay. If you have been following this blog, you already know all about the battle of HD and BluRay, manufactured by Sony. Like a house of cards, movie companies and retail companies announced how they wouldn’t be supporting the HD format. Just last week, both Wal-Mart and Neflix said that they will no longer be carrying anything HD DVD. And just last … Continue reading

Office 2008, New Blogging Tool and HD DVD

Here are the latest headlines in the world of technology. Office 2008 Released Yesterday, Microsoft officially released Office 2008 for the Mac. The announcement was made at MacWorld, which is taking place in San Francisco. The software was originally scheduled to be released sometime last year, but lingering problems and software bugs delayed the release. Microsoft is also becoming more support of Mac, redesigning a website,, that showcases Microsoft products to be used with the Mac platform. New Blogging Tool Going into Beta testing today is a new blogging tool that promises to allow you to update your blog … Continue reading

Blue-ray vs. HD DVD

Earlier, we discussed next generation DVDs that are ready to take the market by storm. Now, I want to give brief introductions to the two competing formats. I’ll save the technical discussion for another time and place, but want to give you just a few bits of information about both Blue-ray and HD DVDs. Blue-ray The Blue-ray format was first created and developed by the Blue-ray Disc Association, which includes the electronics giants, Sony and Phillips. Blue-ray discs (BD) can hold more data than HD DVDs, but also will probably cost a little bit more to buy. BD capacity is … Continue reading

Next generation DVDs

Have you amassed a large collection of DVDs? Well, I have (well over 300). I just love watching movies and old TV shows on DVD over and over again. And when I read in the newspapers that my DVD collection is going the way of cassette tapes, I get a little worried. I have had others ask me if they should stop buying DVDs in their current format and wait until the next generation of DVDs hit the market. That’s a tough question to answer, but so far I usually answer something along the lines of “it’s up to you,” … Continue reading