The Downside of Owning a Honda

Honda owners don’t need me to tell them that their vehicles are in high demand… among car thieves. In previous blogs I shared the sad tales of my Honda owner brother’s repeat rip offs. He’s learned his lesson the hard way and is now looking to get rid of his Honda and invest in a new Nissan Titan truck. And not a moment too soon. If you own a Honda or know someone who does then you might be interested in this next true story. Police in Yakima, Washington are currently investigating a case where 11 Hondas were stolen in … Continue reading

Do You Drive a Honda? Free Inspections in April

Back in my single days, I had a gentleman friend who drove a Honda Prelude. I loved to drive it because it handled real well and sat pretty low to the ground. Though I’m more of the SUV or truck type of person, it was a lot of fun to take curves a little tighter than I might otherwise have done. We’d drive down Mulholland just for fun. Hondas are fun little cars. They don’t fit our current lifestyle as well as what we have, but most Honda owners I’ve known seem to be pretty satisfied with their cars. They’re … Continue reading

HONDA: A Brief Overview

HONDA is not referring to your vehicle, but it is abbreviated name of the Homeschool Non-Discrimination Act of 2005. This is a bill that was introduced in September of 2005 and then was read and sent to the Committee on Finance. I had no idea there was such a controversy surrounding this bill and suffice it to say, not all homeschoolers agree that this bill is a good thing. There are equally strong opinions on each side. Proponents of the Bill Say. . . There are several areas of federal law that according to HSLDA, unfairly impact homeschoolers. Much of … Continue reading