How to Make Good Habits Last

I’ve heard various friends say that it takes three week to turn a behavior into a habit. The stages of forming a habit: Precontemplation. You have a vague sense that you want to make a change. Maybe you’re not sure where or how to start. Maybe you make a lot of excuses why you can’t change. This is a good time for a list of pros and cons. Why do you want to change, and why will it be good for you? What’s holding you back? Contemplation. You have a firmer sense that you want to make a change. You … Continue reading

Trying to Quit Coffee (But the Pot is Right There!)

Several months ago, I wrote about how I thought I drank more coffee since I do work at home. Since my work station is so close to the kitchen and it is so easy for me to just move in there and have fresh, well-made coffee, I know that I have become a much more avid coffee drinker since starting my home business than I ever was before. However, the time has come for me to kick that habit. Too much caffeine is affecting my health and it is time to get back to more moderate consumption. As I try … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Trial of Prosperity

In President Kimball’s lesson for this week, he notes the cycle that repeats throughout the Old Testament, and then, later, through the Book of Mormon. A group of people worship God in righteousness. They receive blessings and prosper. That prosperity leads them to trust more in the arm of the flesh and turn their back on the world, and they become wicked. They are then humbled or even destroyed. As we go through our lives, we must be careful not to fall into a similar cycle. I have been thinking lately about how most of the Saints I have come … Continue reading


While each and every day of one’s life is unique and different, there are things in life that are inevitably the same. Some things become a daily routine, some a weekly routine, others a monthly routine, and even others a yearly routine. Each day we shower, read the newspaper, and maybe even drink a cup of coffee. Each week we tune in to watch our favorite television shows. Each month we pay our bills. Each year we celebrate another year of life and maybe another year of marriage. Christians should have established routines aside from the normal routines of the … Continue reading