Updated Contact Info for Haitian Adoptions in Progress

Those of you with an adoption in process in Haiti are hopefully more informed than I am. Nonetheless I want to update general readers on developments and pass along the contact information the State Department has set up for U.S. citizens with an adoption currently in process from Haiti. Last month, the United States issued immigration visas for dozens of children who had been in the adoption process before the January 12 earthquake, and approved “humanitarian parole” for nearly 1000 more. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has set up a special e-mail box to receive scanned documentation on pending Haitian … Continue reading

For Families Adopting from Haiti, Quake Brings Devastating Uncertainty

Only now is information about the 254 Haitian children who are being adopted by U.S. citizens beginning to trickle out of Haiti. Some of these children have already been legally adopted by U.S. citizens and are just waiting for their passports and travel visas. Some of them have been known by their adoptive families for months or years. Almost all have been visited by their adoptive parents at least once. A Washington State couple appeared on Thursday morning’s Today Show and spoke with Meredith Viera about the eight-year-old girl and six-year-old boy they are adopting. The adoption has been completed … Continue reading