Haunted Halloween Games and Crafts

These candy-themed Halloween games and crafts will make your Fright Fest tasty and terrifying at the same time. All you need are a few pumpkins, some candy, and a lot of creativity. CANDY WEREWOLF WALL RACE The object of this game is to construct a wall to keep the werewolves out using just three items: Halloween candy, toothpicks and Popsicle sticks. Whoever builds the tallest wall in two minutes wins the game. Materials: Mini or Full-Sized Chocolate Bars Bubble Gum (sticks or chunks) Licorice Whips Peanut Butter Cups Chocolate Peppermint Patties Lifesavers Twix Bars Chocolate Dipped Pretzels Plastic Table Cloth … Continue reading

Fun Halloween Games for Kids

If you are hosting a Halloween party for kids this year you don’t want your young guests to be stuck playing musical chairs all afternoon. Instead, get creative and use the holiday theme to your advantage. The following are tried and true party games (courtesy of the folks at Hershey’s) that were a hit at a Halloween playgroup party my daughter attended last year. They are simple, fun, and you can tailor them to suit the age range of the party participants. MUMMY HANDS Object of the Game: Mummified players need to transport goodies out of a crypt (a decorated … Continue reading

Halloween Relays for Parties

Here are two fun relay races for Halloween parties. I’ve played both of these with many classes of elementary school children. They’d be fun for a family, too. Slime Relay is definitely an outdoor game. The slime is made of cornstarch, water, and a few drops of food green color. I would love to tint the slime a dark nasty green, but I don’t want to stain anyone’s clothes, either. To make the slime combine one cup of cornstarch to one half cup of water, and add a few drops of food color. The cornstarch slime should feel solid when … Continue reading