Celebrity Auctions Bring in Big Bucks

When a celebrity auction occurs, it seems that everyone wants a piece of the action. This week, several items have sold for quite a nice sum. A first edition Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was auctioned off by Dallas’ Heritage Auction Galleries and brought in $19,000. While you can find a copy of the first Harry Potter book much cheaper, you won’t be able to find a first edition. There were only 200 copies printed as opposed to the millions after the book became a success. Oh, and this one is also autographed by J.K. Rowling, … Continue reading

Who was Harvey Milk?

This holiday season, you will probably hear about a new film titled Milk, which stars Sean Penn. He’s been nominated for a Golden Globe and there is already Oscar buzz about his performance, but you may wonder who Harvey Milk was. Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in California. He had been born in New York, but moved to San Francisco when he was 42. He finally settled in the Castro District, eventually dubbing himself the “Mayor of Castro Street.” Milk was brash, outspoken, animated, and most of all, proud of his sexual orientation. … Continue reading