Help Keep Others Safe in Hot Weather

It looks like Chicago is experiencing another heat wave. I know it’s very hot in other places, but being from Chicago, I remember the nightmare of the last heat wave. However, I have deep concerns for people everywhere who may not be able to properly care for themselves. Please, take the time to check on the elderly, the sick, and the less fortunate in their homes. It is so sad to see people die when it is completely preventable. I saw an older woman on the news last night, sitting in her hot apartment with the windows closed, no fans … Continue reading

Preparing for Heat After a Hurricane

When you are preparing for a hurricane, it is important to plan for the heat, which follows a hurricane. Heat exhaustion can be deadly and you need to be prepared to combat it. People are not used to dealing with heat anymore. There are air conditioners, fans, and the wonderful electricity to make sure that these are working at all times. After a hurricane you will often lose these for sometime. You will not have the luxury of an air conditioned home. You need to prepare now to combat the heat. 1) The first thing you should do is to … Continue reading