Brad and Barack Cousins

Just call them the family ties that bind… and gag. It’s the headline that has tongues wagging across political lines. According to a renowned genealogical organization, actor Brad Pitt and presidential candidate Barack Obama are related. And that’s not all, researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society say they can also prove that Pitt’s partner Angelina Jolie is a distant cousin of Obama’s fellow presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton. According to genealogy experts, Pitt and Jolie are both ninth cousins of the candidates. But Clinton’s famous ties don’t stop there. Researchers say the former first lady is also related to … Continue reading

Mixing Politics and Marriage

What a crazy race for the Presidency we’ve got going on with Election ’08, eh? This election more than ever it seems I’m noticing the wives and pondering the dynamics that dwell within certain households. For instance… The Clintons Hilary Clinton’s first to mind for a wife it’s impossible not to notice in this election. Hers might be the most unique situation of the race. (Heck, of many races in a long time.) It certainly is one of the most talked about, analyzed, and poked fun at. Never before has the wife of a former president been a candidate herself. … Continue reading