Sweet Autumn Recipes

Two of the three farms we visited this fall sold honey fresh from the hive. In fact, both farms had several glass cases on display so patrons could watch thousands of busy bees fill hive cells with fresh honey. It was fascinating, and naturally, a great marketing tactic to get us city folk to purchase a few jars of honey on the way out. Of course, it was only after I got into the car that I realized that I don’t really use honey all that much (occasionally on fresh biscuits and in tea, but not often in main dishes). … Continue reading

Don’t Step on a Bee Day (Or, In Murphy’s Case, Eat Them)

Today is Don’t Step on a Bee Day. You might recall a blog I wrote called Insect Inspector: Murphy’s “Bumble Rumble”. If not, this was the gist: Murph knows bees as bumbles and takes great pleasure in chasing them. Well, when I stumbled across Don’t Step on a Bee Day while compiling my list of July daily, weekly, and monthly celebrations I laughed and couldn’t help but think of Murphy. I thought I might have to write about it, so I made a note of it on my list of topics and sort of forgot about it. Until today. And … Continue reading

Making Your Home into a Healthy Zone

With television shows like “Honey, We’re Killing the Kids” and the “Biggest Loser,” we are frequently bombarded with the fact that American families, for the most part, are not living healthy lifestyles. So, how can we make our homes into good health zones? Smaller Meals Eating smaller meals more often during the day is healthier than eating three large meals. It also keeps the metabolism at a more even keel. Since you are breaking up the food intake, you won’t have as many blood sugar highs and lows. People who eat more and smaller meals throughout the day tend to … Continue reading