Sweet Autumn Recipes

Two of the three farms we visited this fall sold honey fresh from the hive. In fact, both farms had several glass cases on display so patrons could watch thousands of busy bees fill hive cells with fresh honey. It was fascinating, and naturally, a great marketing tactic to get us city folk to purchase a few jars of honey on the way out. Of course, it was only after I got into the car that I realized that I don’t really use honey all that much (occasionally on fresh biscuits and in tea, but not often in main dishes). … Continue reading

Hot Dogs and Your Health

What goes better with summer’s favorite pastime than a juicy hotdog? According to the National Hotdog and Sausage Council baseball fans will eat almost 28 million hotdogs this year. Personally, I can’t stand hotdogs… and I’m not a huge fan of baseball either. (I wonder if one begets the other?) In fact, I cringe whenever I hear my young daughter tell me that she was fed a hotdog at a friend or relative’s home. Forgive me. It’s just that I have a long-standing dislike for the popular frankfurter mainly because I spent the better part of my childhood hearing about … Continue reading

Make Your Own “Pink’s” Hot Dogs at Home

A while back, I posted a blog about Pink’s Hot Dog Stand. It is been an institution on the corner of La Brea and Melrose for over 65 years. Many celebrities love Pinks – they count Bill Cosby, Jennifer Garner, Aerosmith, Henry Winkler, Snoop Doggie Dog, Chef Bobby Flay, and Jason Alexander among their fans. How’s that for an eclectic bunch? The only problem with Pink’s is every time we went to Los Angeles, either it was closed or had people around the corner just waiting to get in. Now, I am on the opposite coast, so the best I … Continue reading

A Child’s Prayer Blooper

Wednesday night at our church is a time of Bible study and prayer. After we spend about twenty minutes in Bible study, the service is opened up to the congregation. People who have needs for prayer will share them with the rest of the church during this time. If someone has a need, but does not want to specify the nature of it, they will say only that they have an “unspoken” prayer request. After we get all of the prayer requests, we pray together either as a church, as families, or with prayer partners. On one such evening my … Continue reading