
Now that Moose, Lally, and I are (sort of) settled in our new home, I’ve noticed a bit of a regression in my little girl dog’s training. When I first brought Lally home from the shelter in September 2003, the first thing she did was hop onto my bed and piddle. She also used to piddle in excitement when I came home from work, or if someone new came to the house. She hasn’t slipped that much in her housebreaking this time around, but we’ve had a few accidents in the new apartment. On Saturday, I came home from the … Continue reading

Crate Training Tips

Not everybody is for crate training. But crate training doesn’t have to be cruel, or a punishment. Ideally, a dog’s crate is a safe place for them to go when they want to be alone or when you can’t be home for a few hours. A crate is a training tool, not a way of life; hopefully, as your dog learns the rules of the house, he won’t need the crate at all — except as a quiet retreat. Introduce your dog to the crate slowly. Let him explore the crate for a few days before you leave him alone … Continue reading

Your Rabbit’s Litterbox

So… you’re training your bunny to use a litterbox. But what type of litter is best? Can you use kitty litter? Some brands of kitty litter are all right for your bunny, but you need to keep a few things in mind. Rabbits will spend a lot of time in their bathroom. Rabbits will nibble a bit of the litter. (What DON’T rabbits nibble?) Rabbits can be diggers. A clay based litter is a problem if your rabbit is a digger — if she inhales the dust she kicks up, she can have lung problems. The real problem with bunnies … Continue reading

Housetraining Your Rabbit

Yes! You can housetrain a bunny. You can teach a rabbit to use a litterbox! Rabbits are actually pretty easy to train. They will pick a few spots as their bunny bathroom and always go there. Our family rabbit (cleverly named Bun-Bun) had a three room “condo” — one enclosed room was the bedroom, the large, open room was the play and food area, and the other enclosed room was the bathroom. He faithfully used the smaller room for his potty and kept the other areas clean. Older rabbits have a better attention span than younger rabbits, so you may … Continue reading

Sometimes, You Just Have To Laugh About It…

WARNING: This is not for the weak of stomach. It’s a story about poop, and a whole lot of it. I started my week with what I like to call POOPAPALOOZA 2006. The Moose held a poop party in the living room last night! I came down the stairs to an almost artistic crescent-shaped smear on the carpet. But that’s not all… oh no my friends… Moose had also squirmed his way behind the fake potted plant and created Lake Poop-erior in the corner. My boy is so very talented, he managed to poop INTO the baseboard heater. So. Very. … Continue reading

Training: Housebreaking Lally

When I brought Lally home, the first thing she did was jump on my bed and have herself a hearty piddle. It was the start of a very special time in our lives that I like to call… The Great Bladder Mystery. For the first few weeks together, EVERY time I got home from work, or the store, or anywhere, Lally would piddle on the floor. And I mean every time. Two, three times a day! In our Vermont days, I lived less than a mile from work. So our schedule went something like this: 4:30am: Alarm goes off. Head … Continue reading

Training: Housebreaking Basics

Before you add a dog to the family, keep in mind that even ones advertised as “housebroken” may have some issues adjusting to a new home and routine. Patience and understanding are very important! Here are some general tips to help make your housebreaking go a little more smoothly. · Keep a regular feeding schedule. Dogs like routine. If you feed them at the same times every day, they’ll need to eliminate at the same times every day. Dogs’ digestive systems are remarkably short… your pup may be ready to poop as quickly as 15 minutes after a meal! · … Continue reading