That’s Not Very Green, Orlando!

Jason and Jennifer Helvengston are residents of College Park, a section of Orlando, Florida.  This area is close to downtown and popular among the working age citizens, of which the majority are homeowners.  But, if you are a homeowner, do you have the right to do whatever you want on your land? No, according to College Park officials. See, Jason and Jennifer decided to set up a 25 x 25 foot micro-irrigated vegetable garden in their front yard.  City code says your yard has to look “finished” and kept clean to keep property values up.  Therefore, officials told Jason he … Continue reading

Hottie With A Hammer

He’s made headlines for his acting, his looks, his choice of company and his sense of style. Now, one of PEOPLE magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive is making the news for building houses. Yesterday, Brad Pitt joined forces in Western India with former President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn as part of a Habitat for Humanity program. According to Habitat for Humanity’s website, Pitt headed to the town of Lonavla to join the Carters and volunteers to help build a new house for Aziz and Sadhiya Sheikh. With masses of paparazzi documenting his every move, Pitt laid cement blocks that … Continue reading

Tiny Houses for Average People

I was watching CBS Sunday Morning today and I looked up to see a house I thought was surely a child’s playhouse. It was only 100 square feet, but it was the cutest little thing I’d ever seen, so I started paying closer attention to the segment. Turns out, the tiny house that was so cute is not a playhouse, but a real house. Builder Jay Shafer thinks that everyone should have enough space to live in, but as homes get bigger and bigger, there is a lot of wasted space. Based on these ideas, he founded his company, Tumbleweeds … Continue reading

Live Like Martha

If you are a fan of Martha Stewart’s show (or have caught her during one of her guest stints on the “Today Show” or “Oprah”) then you know there is little this style guru can’t make, update, redo, fix, or organize. So, it should come as no surprise that she is now offering you a way to live just like she does. Not by following her “lifestyle” tips, but actually living in a space designed by Martha herself. An entire home manufactured in her image. KB Home has teamed up with Martha Stewart to create Martha-branded homes in cities across … Continue reading