How Green was 2008: Analysts Versus Reality

Back in the beginning of 2008, or even at the end of 2007, analysts were predicting a banner year for going green in the home. Homeowners were said to be very conscious of reducing the energy footprints of their homes and avoiding using common chemicals that may be unhealthy. Even publications such as the Old Farmer’s Almanac got into the act with green predictions saying that there would be a rapid transition to green building. They quote the American Institute of architects that say that 90 percent of home owners would pay an extra $5,000 for an energy-efficient house. The … Continue reading

How Much Does Your Pet Influence Your Lifestyle?

A week or two ago, I saw a story on Today about people who take their pets to work. I didn’t catch the full story, however. I think it was really more about how much pets influence some people’s lives. All aspects of it. Work One of the men profiled in the Today piece explained how he had moved his workplace for his dog. Apparently he runs his own business and leases office space. When a landlord prohibited pets from being in the building, the man went and found more accommodating office space elsewhere. But other people who didn’t own … Continue reading

Tiny Houses for Average People

I was watching CBS Sunday Morning today and I looked up to see a house I thought was surely a child’s playhouse. It was only 100 square feet, but it was the cutest little thing I’d ever seen, so I started paying closer attention to the segment. Turns out, the tiny house that was so cute is not a playhouse, but a real house. Builder Jay Shafer thinks that everyone should have enough space to live in, but as homes get bigger and bigger, there is a lot of wasted space. Based on these ideas, he founded his company, Tumbleweeds … Continue reading