Why I Chose Hypnobirthing

I was led to hypnobirthing, because I was looking for a tool to help me to have a natural childbirth. I had wanted to have a natural childbirth with my first child, but the class my husband and I took only taught us a few breathing techniques. We didn’t practice, and so I became overwhelmed and received an epidural. For the birth of my second child, I decided to take the easy way out and get the epidural before things got rough. But I did not feel good about an epidural for my third child, and so I needed to … Continue reading

Did Hypnobirthing Work for Me?

Hypnobirthing worked for me on many levels, but I did not have a completely pain free experience. At the same time I was not seeking a completely pain free experience and so I was not disappointed in the results. I used the Hypnobabies program, which is a home study program. The classes last about six weeks. You read from a manual and then listen to a CD every day. You can slow down the classes by listening to the CDs for a longer amount of time. After you complete the class you are supposed to follow a maintenance program, which … Continue reading