Social Security Numbers

It is critical to protect your social security number. Not only is it your unique identity in this country, it controls your future employment, benefits, credit and good name. Whenever you are dealing with money, this little number plays a large part in the process. The main way to protect yourself and your social security number is to keep it secret. Never use this number or any part of it to replace another number. Never carry your social security card in your wallet. Never give it out over the Internet. Don’t let your insurance id or drivers license be the … Continue reading

Prevent Identity Theft

In today’s world of computers, credit card numbers and easy transactions, a door has opened up to a whole new kind of crime. Stealing your identity in order to use your good name and open up accounts. Not only could you lose money, you can lose your hard earned credit score. Protect yourself with these easy tips: 1. Limit what you carry. Clean out your wallet, eliminating any piece of identity or credit card you rarely use. 2. Watch your incoming and outgoing mail diligently. Always use a neighbor or place your mail on hold when you go on vacation. … Continue reading