I.C.E. Stickers: Have You Got One Posted?

Photo by Julia Couture Recently after making a donation to the ASPCA, along with a thank you letter they sent me an “In Case of Fire or Emergency Animals Inside!” sticker. There are boxes to check if you have dogs or cats or other, with a line to specify what the “other” constitutes. There’s also a space to leave your phone number. I happen to think this is a brilliant idea. I’m one for being prepared in case the worst happens. My theory is you might not be able to prevent bad things from happening, but having plans in place … Continue reading

Be Sure to I.C.E. Your Cell Phone!

Following the Terrorist Bus Bombings in London a movement to educate the public and start a new trend was made when Scotland Yard issued a request that citizens be sure to I.C.E. their cell phones. This movement started because in the aftermath of the bombings many dead and injured people were found in possession of cell phones. Authorities and emergency workers finding the cell phones believed they were good tools to use for contacting family or friends of unidentified victims. The problem was that most of the found cell phones had more then just a few programmed phone numbers or … Continue reading