Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities is Important

Does someone in your family have an intellectual disability (ID)? A survey shows that inclusion helps people who do not have intellectual disabilities to accept people who do have them. Personally knowing someone who has ID helps people to move past old stereotypes. A survey was done by Harris Poll on behalf of The Special Olympic International World Games, and in partnership with Shriver Media. The survey was conducted online between July 13 and July 15 of 2015. A total of 2,021 United States adults (ages 18+) took part in the survey. Out of this group, 1,103 were identified as … Continue reading

What is Inclusion

What is Inclusion in regards to the educational classroom? Inclusive education means that all students in a school, mo matter their level of learning, their strengths or weaknesses in any subject area, becomes part of the regular school classroom. All students want to have the feeling they belong or are included in the same activities as their student peers. Students want to be treated the same by their teachers and support staff. Before NCLB or No Child Left Behind, the original policy of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with its 1997 amendments, made it clear that schools have a … Continue reading