Insurance Blog Week In Review March 13-19, 2007

Insurance Term Of The Week: Underwriter I sure have been finding the Parental Liability Blogs very interesting to write. It seems that we are responsible for a wide range of things our children might do as we raise them. This series has sure made me rethink some of the things I expect from the system. Parenting is a real risk financially and some of the ways we are responsible are interesting. Wednesday, March 14, 2007. Four More Parental Liable Issues Negligent Supervision is a legal theory where a minor child’s parents are held liable for their child’s negligent acts when … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review March 1- 5, 2007

Insurance Term Of The Week: The Insurance Application I am surviving surgery and getting back to the keyboard. It’s amazing how much control insurance companies have over the amount and type of medical treatment and care a person receives. I have always been confused when my doctors tell me they would like me to stay another day in the hospital, but because I am doing so well insurance won’t approve another day. The better a patient does, the less time they should need in the care of the hospital. There are of course always, exceptions to the rules and ways … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review February 6-12, 2007

This week in the Insurance Blogs I have focused a bit on the Business of Insurance, including some of the Career paths insurance has to offer. Next week I will be expanding on some of interesting things a person might do with an Insurance License. I have also started a series of Blogs about shopping and quoting my own personal insurance portfolio. A project I have put off for far too long. Yesterday, we were given notice that my husbands employer is phasing out the retirement pension they offer. So, now we need to add retirement options to our personal … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review January 2-8, 2007

The first week of 2007 has been an inspiring week for this Insurance Blogger! Not only because I have some great ideas and insurance things to write about–but, also because I have learned a few new things about Insurance myself. Insurance Term Of The Week: Insurance Credit Score Credit Protection Insurance. Consumer Credit Scores What Decides Score? How is the Score Used Errors Concerns Information Many of your are aware that my husband and I are adoptive parents of special needs siblings from the foster care system. I wrote many Adoption Blogs at before I took this position writing … Continue reading

Insurance Week In Pre-view January 2007

This Blog is titled “Week In Preview” because rather then look back, I am looking forward to 2007. Naturally, my year has started with a major glitch and complete computer crash, resulting in the need to restore my system, and reconnect to my internet service! Thank goodness I own a computer with recovery made (geek-insurance) and I was able to click my way out of complete electronic meltdown. I am a person who actually does make and write down my New Years Resolutions. This year I start inspired and ready to take the Insurance Blogs to a new level. Things … Continue reading