A Question A Week: Choosing Between Internet Explorer and Firefox

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers. To see the post where this all started, check this out. A while back, I did a quick series focused on Firefox, the Internet browser. I talked about Firefox because it’s a more secure browser, and using it will help keep your computer clean, thus making your life as a stay-at-home worker easier and less stressful. There are companies who hire workers from home who have started requiring their employees to use Firefox instead of IE, because it keeps the computer clean and better protected from … Continue reading

Top 5 Random Firefox Add-ons I Use and Love

This is the last installment of my mini-series about using Firefox as a browser. If you missed the rest of the series, make sure to check it out here! Here are five extensions I use and love, that just add that last bit of gentle goodness to using Firefox as your browser. They are rather random, but they have all impressed me, so you’re stuck with the list. If you have some you feel I missed, please feel free to leave a note in the comment section! 1. Forecast Fox ~ This is a great extension for anyone who wants … Continue reading