Let’s Talk Personal Ads—Part One

I wrote a little yesterday on the subject of single parent dating. I shared my own personal opinion about why bars and dances just are not my thing. I thought if we were really going to talk out this single parent dating thing, we couldn’t ignore the subject of personal ads, online “dating” and other technologically advanced ways of meeting people and making connections. As for me, I am not entirely sure how I feel about this modern reality, which is part of the reason I thought it might be valuable for us to chat about it here… Like most … Continue reading

Meeting Someone Online Continued

Previously I discussed how it would not be my preference to meet my mate online. However today’s technological world has allowed for many happy couples to begin their relationship on the Internet. In my last article I also offered some tips for meeting or looking for a companion online. In those tips, I discussed how it is important to be honest about your appearance but not too open about your personal information. Your safety should always come first. When you first meet someone online, it is best in the beginning to keep the conversations to emails only. Learn all that … Continue reading