A Question A Week: Choosing Between Internet Explorer and Firefox

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers. To see the post where this all started, check this out. A while back, I did a quick series focused on Firefox, the Internet browser. I talked about Firefox because it’s a more secure browser, and using it will help keep your computer clean, thus making your life as a stay-at-home worker easier and less stressful. There are companies who hire workers from home who have started requiring their employees to use Firefox instead of IE, because it keeps the computer clean and better protected from … Continue reading

Top 5 Random Firefox Add-ons I Use and Love

This is the last installment of my mini-series about using Firefox as a browser. If you missed the rest of the series, make sure to check it out here! Here are five extensions I use and love, that just add that last bit of gentle goodness to using Firefox as your browser. They are rather random, but they have all impressed me, so you’re stuck with the list. If you have some you feel I missed, please feel free to leave a note in the comment section! 1. Forecast Fox ~ This is a great extension for anyone who wants … Continue reading

Top 5 Firefox Add-ons You Need at Work

In my last blog, I talked about five add-ons that people may want to use at home while working or in their off hours. These next five add-ons are specifically for people working in an office who are worried about the people walking by who are paying a bit too much attention to their browser. Now, I don’t want people to think that I’m encouraging employees to goof off at work. But if you’re the paranoid type, and you want some privacy, these would be your saving grace. And if you were to goof off a bit…Well, just don’t tell … Continue reading

Top 5 Firefox Add-ons You Need to Enhance Your Browsing Experience

I recently wrote about Firefox and why you should use it as a browser. I briefly touched on add-ons in this blog but I thought with all of the great extensions floating around, that I should make up a list of extensions that would really help out those who are working at home or simply surfing the Internet, with their browsing experience. These are great extensions I have actually used myself, so I can recommend them wholeheartedly. 1. Time Tracker ~ This clock tracks when you are using the Internet, and keeps a running total at the bottom of the … Continue reading

Why is Firefox More Secure Than Internet Explorer?

In my last blog, I talked about five reasons to love Firefox. Number one was “Security” but I didn’t explain why Firefox was more secure than Internet Explorer. The answer will surprise you. To understand how this all works, first you have to understand open source code vs closed code. (When I say code, I mean the programming code used to build the program.) There are two schools of thought in the computer world: a) You can build a program and hide the code used to build that program, thus forcing hackers to run all sorts of incredibly difficult equations … Continue reading

What’s So Great About Firefox Anyway?

Why do I love Firefox? Let me count the ways… Okay, so maybe this isn’t worthy of a Shakespearean sonnet, but if I could write haiku, I’m sure it would be worthy of one of those. Firefox is an excellent browser that surpasses Internet Explorer in many aspects. Here is my top five list of reason why I love Firefox: 1) Security. Firefox was built to be more secure than Internet Explorer from the ground floor up. Add that to the fact that when a hacker decides he wants to write a worm or trojan horse for a browser to … Continue reading