Sheep’s_Clothing – Josi Kilpack

LDS author Josi Kilpack is known for taking tough, contemporary issues and showing realistic characters work their way through these trials. Her newest release, “Sheep’s_Clothing,” tackles the very real problem of Internet predators. Kate and Brad Thompson are raising the typical LDS family. They’re active in church callings, Kate devotes hours a day to taking care of her house and children, and they are striving in every way to have a perfect life. But things are starting to slip through the cracks, the largest of which is their fifteen-year-old daughter, Jess. Jess feels like the built-in babysitter, and her parents’ … Continue reading

The NET worth of a sexual predator.

Sexual predators defraud where ever and when ever they can. Like trolls prettied up as princes, they permeate every part of society and pick their targets from where ever they can access them: including the internet. They know no class or gender bounds; they instead pick anyone who falls for their fraudulent and cowardly manipulation. Their net casts over us all, yes, even those members on Be careful, be warned, be vigilant of whom you share personal information with. I have already had a dubious contact through It was dealt with, the person banned immediately, and there has … Continue reading

The epidemic of online child sexual crimes

The issue of keeping children safe from online child predators has steadily increased over the past few years. From newspapers (e.g., New York Times) to news journal shows (e.g., Dateline NBC) to popular daytime shows (e.g., Oprah), the topic has been discussed. I am amazed, however, at the number of parents, teachers, and adults who still think that the epidemic of online predators is not really an important issue. Yes, that’s right. I call it an epidemic. Thousands of children each year worldwide are solicited and even abducted as a result of participating in unmonitored online activities. It’s time for … Continue reading