Balfour Remains Behind Bars and Britney’s Son Remains Hospitalized

The main suspect in the brutal murders of Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother and young nephew, will remain behind bars until December, according to new reports. William Balfour, the man police are calling a “person of interest” in the slayings of 57-year-old Darnell Donerson, 29-year-old Jason Hudson and 7-year-old Julian King, could have walked out of jail a free man today, but the Illinois Prisoner Review Board denied him the chance. According to news reports, Balfour’s hearing ended this morning with a decision that there is probable cause to believe that he violated parole and should remain behind bars. Balfour … Continue reading

K-Fed–From Super Daddy to Sugar Daddy

The ladies love Kevin Federline’s big, fat… tips. And why not? Britney Spears’ ex recently rewarded a cocktail waitress with a $2,000 tip on a $365 meal tab. No word on what she did to deserve the huge bonus, but that’s fodder for another blog. This blog is all about the Benjamins and how purported pauper Federline is making like a king with his ex-wife’s money. Last week the Superior Court of California released K-Fed’s financial records detailing his spending habits between May 2007 and January 2008. The documents were collected in conjunction with the ongoing custody battle Federline is … Continue reading

Get a Piece of Britney

Why not? Everyone else is… or has… While I realize there are many of you who would rather not even see the name Britney Spears let alone have it attached to something you wear, know this: it’s helping the environment. Yes, you can help save the planet by shelling out a few bucks to own clothing items worn by the pop star during her recent guest appearance on CBS’ “How I Met Your Mother.” About a half dozen items of clothing (how many scenes does she have anyway) will be auctioned off to benefit the Natural Resources Defense Council. The … Continue reading

Britney Reunited with Sons

Score another one for Britney Spears’ dad. The man who the troubled singer has publicly called a “bully” and once said she “can’t stand to be around” has come to her rescue—yet again. This time Jamie Spears, the temporary co-executor of her estate, helped get lawyers to hammer out a deal so the trainwreck could see her two sons for the first time in nearly two months. On Saturday Britney was finally reunited (briefly) with 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James–her sons with ex-husband Kevin Federline. The last time Britney saw her boys was the night of January 3rd, … Continue reading

Pop Culture Updates: The Grammys Go On WITH Writers and Britney Speaks to Her Kids

In a previous blog I mentioned that the striking writers guild agreed that its members would not picket next month’s Grammy Awards. Now, there’s even more good news for the awards show that honors the country’s top musicians. Yesterday Writers Guild of America directors decided to grant an interim agreement for the February 10th ceremony. This means the Grammys will escape the blow that befell this month’s Golden Globe Awards. It also means that the stars will be out in full force and fans will be treated to a complete red carpet fashion show as celebs make their way into … Continue reading

Commish to Britney: Keep Away From Your Kids!

So much for Britney Spears’ claim in OK! magazine that she would “die” for her kids. The trainwreck didn’t even bother to show up for a court appearance that could have helped her regain custody of her two young sons. Monday afternoon a court commissioner ruled that the derailed singer still may not see her children Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1. According to court documents, the boys father Kevin Federline maintains sole legal and physical custody of the kids “indefinitely.” “The word victory is not something Mr. Federline or his counsel would ascribe to this situation,” Federline’s lawyer, … Continue reading

Britney Spears Probably Won’t See Kids Until April

At least that’s what some family law experts maintain, especially after someone from the Los Angeles police department leaked details contained in the report chronicling the events that unfolded the night the derailed popwreck caused pandemonium in the City of Angels last week. According to news reports, when Spears and her ex Kevin Federline square off in court next week for yet another custody hearing, police officers, firefighters and paramedics who responded to Ms. Meltdown’s home on January 4th will testify. And let’s just say what they will be talking about will NOT help Brit one bit. is reporting … Continue reading

Britney Update: Locked Up then Locked Down

While her ex-husband and his attorney sit in a courtroom trying to strip her of what’s left of her custodial rights the trainwreck that is Britney Spears may have finally come to a smoldering stop. Spears is currently enduring a minimum 72-hour lock down and undergoing a mental evaluation at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Medical experts say it’s basically an involuntary psychiatric hold, also known as a Section 5150. According to Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, a 5150 is defined as, “a means by which someone who is in serious need of mental health treatment can … Continue reading

Britney Loses Kids Then Goes Tanning

Britney Spears didn’t have to give up physical custody of her two young sons until tomorrow at noon, according to a judge’s order. However, the pop princess chose to hand them off to Kevin Federline’s bodyguard yesterday. (Poor kids.) Actually, according to video shot by the masses of paparazzi that hound her on a daily basis, Spears took 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James through the drive-thru at a Carl’s Jr. in L.A. at 12:02 p.m. yesterday and surrendered the boys to K-Fed’s bodyguard three minutes later. (No word on whether the burger run was for Brit or the … Continue reading

The Spears Train Wreck Keeps Smoking

Pop princess Britney Spears has been dethroned, de-toxed, and more recently de-livered court papers that want her declared an unfit mother. No, things are not looking up for the former Mouseketeer. Let’s start with the recent court filing. According to Los Angeles Superior Court records, Spears ex, Kevin Federline has filed an order to show cause for primary physical custody of the couple’s two sons. (Basically, Fed-Ex is taking Brit back to court to have a judge render her unfit and do away with their current 50/50 custody arrangement so he can raise 23-month-old Sean Preston and 11-month-old Jayden James … Continue reading