The Way out of Despair

Lamentations is not exactly the book you expect to find hope and encouragement. Its very name implies otherwise and yet there are some great verses filled with hope and joy. The writer of Lamentations is not identified, though many believe it was Jeremiah. If you read Jeremiah and all that happened to him and read Lamentations with that in mind, it’s more than likely. The writer of Lamentations was doing it hard. He felt he had been given suffering and affliction by God, Lamentations 3:1. He felt completely in the dark, Lamentations 3:2. In his view God had repeatedly turned … Continue reading

Sleep Disorder: Jeremiah’s Story–Part 2: Tonsillectomy

! The past week and a half has been a very long one for Jeremiah. In the First part of Jeremiah’s story, I wrote about the steps we are taking to help our son overcome sleep apnea. One of the several sleeping disorders our nearly five-year-old son has suffered all of his life. The first step was to have his tonsils removed in order to open his airway. Surgery was Thursday November 9, 2006 and everything went very well. The very first thing he did after surgery is “test” to see if he could still snore! On the evening after … Continue reading