Homeschoolers Should Not Impose Rules on Each Other

I was recently chastised by another homeschooler for placing a label on my child. I mentioned that my child qualifies as “gifted” according to certain standards, and that the other was “talented” at computer science. I seem to have struck a nerve as she attacked my comment in a “how dare you” kind of way. She insisted that one of the reasons to homeschool was to remove labels from children, so as a homeschooler, I should know better than to apply such labels to my kids. She felt that calling my kids talented or gifted was the same as calling … Continue reading

Aren’t We All Hypocrites?

Hypocrisy has long been one of the reasons that people have avoided going to church. When I hear a disillusioned person say something like, “I don’t go to church, they’re all full of hypocrites.” I think, “Isn’t that where they should be?” When you get right down to it, we are ALL hypocrites. Who hasn’t said to her child, “Remember to share.” and then made a treat for herself and enjoyed it without ever offering some of it to her spouse or child? Who hasn’t admonished her child, “Don’t push.” and then plowed over another person or even her own … Continue reading

Judging Others

We have all heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Yet we do these things anyway for a variety of reasons. For one, it helps us better discern what others are like. I don’t believe judging others in this sense to be the same as judging in condemnation or out of self-righteousness. Sometimes judging happens as a way to protect ourselves emotionally, spiritually or physically and is, I believe, a God given instinct. Dusk is approaching and you’re on your way to your car. There is a shady looking man that seems to be headed the same … Continue reading

Are Christians called to be Tolerant?

What do you think? When I read about Jesus I see a man that accepted those who wanted Him. Though He did accept them where they were, He did not condone their sin. Take for example John 8:1-11. The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman who was engaging in adultery. Jesus told them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Of course the accusers left. None of us are without sin. Jesus followed up saying to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Jesus acknowledged … Continue reading

When Something Just Doesn’t Feel Right

Have you ever entered a place and something just doesn’t feel right? Have you ever shortly thereafter discovered the reason why you shouldn’t be there? I think most of us have been in similar situations at some point. Some people refer to this as a 6th sense. Now, before you go thinking I’ve completely lost it, please hear me out. I know many parents have had a hunch about their child; as to something they may be struggling with for example. Some gut feelings could be based on predictable behaviors or character. Once in a while things get overlooked the … Continue reading

Judging Others

Do we judge those that are around us? Are we envious of what we see? It can be difficult to compare yourself to others. I usually find myself coming up short. In the church we are encouraged to help to build each other up. This cannot be done effectively if we are in a constant state of judging those around us. Usually when we think of judging others we will think of putting those we see below us. Often we feel that they are inferior to us for whatever reason. This is a negative practice, and one that I think … Continue reading