Jon Gosselins Mantrums and Michael Jackson’s Millions

Not only does Jon Gosselin have soon to be ex-wife problems (with his babies mama Kate), but he also apparently has current girlfriend problems. Hailey Glassman, the daughter of the plastic surgeon that did Kate’s tummy tuck after the birth of their sextuplets, has publicly said that Jon is like “Jekyll and Hyde” and that he throws what she calls “mantrums.” For those that don’t know, that is a male tantrum. Hailey also told “The Insider” in a two part interview that Jon takes his anger out on her and is emotionally abusive, but she still loves him. For his … Continue reading

The Latest on the Gosselins and Michael Jackson

It seems that lately two things dominate the pop culture news – Jon and Kate Gosselin and Michael Jackson. Never mind that Jackson is dead and Jon and Kate are divorcing, they still somehow manage to stay at the top of the news headlines. As you may know, Michael Jackson was finally laid to rest Thursday at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, Calif. Even though the burial was a private affair for family and friends only, there was still fanfare. Rev. Al Sharpton was there along with Elizabeth Taylor, Lisa Marie Presley, Gladys Knight, Quincy Jones, Barry Gordy, Chris Tucker, … Continue reading

More Celebrity Separations: Billy and Katie Lee Joel and Kate and Jon Gosselin

The Piano Man is going to be singing solo again as Billy Joel and his third wife Katie Lee have decided to separate. The official announcement read, “After nearly five years of marriage, Billy Joel and Katie Lee Joel have decided to separate. This decision is a result of much thoughtful consideration. Billy and Katie remain caring friends with admiration and respect for each other.” Of course, the statements always sound so nice. Katie Lee, who is a food critic, married the much older singer/songwriter in 2004. But, if you’ve been reading the trash mags, all has not been well … Continue reading

The Gosselins: He Said, She Said, They Said

It seems as if it is now Jon and Kate Plus Eight…and everyone that knows them. The first person to get involved (that I remember at least) with the tabloids as far as Jon and Kate’s relationship was Jason Hummel, the brother of Jon’s “friend,” Deanna Hummel. Jon and Deanna were seen out late one night and that sparked controversy that Jon was cheating. Well, that along with the pics taken of him and co-eds from Juniata College partying at a bar in February. Jason claims that his sister and Jon are having an affair and it seems he can’t … Continue reading

Is Jon Gosselin a Bad Dad?

A ton of people seem to think so, but it’s not because the Jon & Kate Plus 8 star beats his kids or puts them in harm’s way. Rather, millions of fans with Internet access are bombarding cyberspace with their criticism of the reality TV star’s… shall we say… extracurricular activities. According to Star Magazine and a slew of “entertainment”-based websites, Jon Gosselin, one half of the parenting team that rears a set of 5-year-old sextuplets and twin 9-year-olds, has been participating in behavior worthy of a timeout. The tabloid recently ran an article (with pictures) of the 31-year-old father … Continue reading